Wednesday 18 January 2012

Stargazing----Watch,learn and feel humbled...

Over three nights--This Monday to Wednesday--The BBC are broadcasting an hour long show called Stargazing Live,a show devoted to The Universe and everything in it...

The idea is a spin off from the oddly popular Spring Watch,a programme fronted by the slightly bonkers--and it has to be said,annoying--Bill Oddie and the pulchritudinous Kate Humble,the thinking man's crumpet--An unofficial post originally held by Joan Bakewell---In which they set up cameras to spy on various animals getting frisky as Spring sprung.A mad idea that surely nobody would bother watching,yet strangely people did in their millions and continue to do so...

Stargazing Live is hosted by Professor Brian Cox and Irish comedian Dara O'Brian,at first sight an odd combination but it works well.

Prof Cox is a likable character,young,attractive,engaging and able to impart mind boggling information to us thicko masses with ease.Any student not leaving one of his lectures not with the desire to be a Physicist is clearly dead inside.If you're still in doubt check out his BBC series Wonders Of The Universe from last year.Quite brilliant.

I also like the fact that he will have no truck with conspiracy theories,indeed in last night's edition he said "If you still think we did'nt land on the Moon,turn over to ITV,i don't want you" Well said that man...

If that was'nt enough he was also a pop star in a previous life.He was in a band called D'ream who had one major hit that's mostly remembered for being hijacked by New Labour in their election victory of 1997.Luckily they were crap so music's loss is our gain.

Irish comedian Dara O'Brian is a bear of a man and at first glance a strange choice of co-host.However he has a degree in Physics from Dublin and therefore turns out to be the perfect choice as he treats the subject with due respect and is'nt just mugging for the audience in an attempt to get cheap laughs.

For once the British weather has been kind and they have had two clear nights in which to observe the night sky.
There's no point in reciting the facts and figures here as the whole thing's so massive,the enormity of the Universe so much to take in it's probably best just to accept the figures for what they are and try not to imagine the sheer vastness of it all,otherwise your head may explode...The one thing you may feel however is a little bit humbled in the face of such magnitude...

Hopefully the Beeb will make this an annual show like Spring Watch is,but with one proviso.Bring in Kate Humble too,y'know, for the dads...

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