Friday, 7 September 2018

Nail bar! Nail bar! I wanna take you to a nail bar!

...ok I don’t but walking around my temporary area of residence in Düsseldorf the bastardised version of that song sprang into my noggin and besides my nails are in perfect condition,cuticles an’ all ...There’s loads,maybe eight or ten within a five minute walk.Back home in London many of those nail bars are a front for human trafficking and modern slavery with poor,young vulnerable Vietnamese women the victims.I hope that’s not the case here but fear it might be...

Being a part time Anthropologist(well ok I know a few people and even like one or two of them) I was excited to learn that Neanderthal is only about Ten miles out of  Dusseldorf .It had never really occurred to me that they were named after a placed for some reason...anyway it’s a pleasant enough village but like it’s namesake it’s a bit dead...maybe they should rename it Neanderthal Parkway...incidentally Düsseldorfians( huh?) seem to be an attractive lot so don’t know if any of those Neanderthal chromosomes passed down through the generations or not,after all there was some evidence of cross breeding.If so maybe they weren’t as ugly & stupid as we’ve painted them...

Today I went across to Wuppertal (a name that just rolls off the tongue) It looks an interesting town and I may well spend some time there in the future.The real reason for going was to ride The Kaiserwagen.A suspended mono rail that goes through the town centre.I’d seen it on YouTube and was intrigued.It looks like something Fritz Lang would put in his film Metropolis.As this was built before the film maybe he was inspired by this very thing.The whole thing is weird,it looks wonderful and the ride is surprisingly smooth especially when it gently sways likea hammock in the breeze...if you’re ever around take a trip.Only 20 mins out of Dusseldorf.It’s good fun plus a little bit of history...

Anyway Boys & Girls this is my last full day in Germany and it’s back to London tomorrow on the Eurostar train out of Cologne(via Brussels of course.Why they can’t do a direct service I don’t know) As I popped out to Netto to grab some breakfast there was a young girl shooting up in the hotel doorway.A little reminder that no matter how stable & prosperous a country is there are always some that slip through the cracks and have their own demons to exorcise...I spoke to her a bit & gave her the few Euros I had on me.I hope she’s ok...

Well it’s been a cracking month.Met some great people and been to some fantastic places.Learnt a few more things about this great country and also about myself.Especially Don’t be afraid to make a complete chump of myself with the language.I also learned that German wasps (Wespen) are no different to British ones.Absolute bastards...

Anyway see you all on the other side of the tunnel and as they rather oddly say over here.Ciao.

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