Monday, 1 March 2021

The Lockdown Lexicon...

 Well it's been a while...

Welcome all to my blog,

This global pandemic has at least furnished us with some new words and phrases to wrap our tongues around...

Lockdown---yep,does exactly what it says on the tin.Never a good thing but usually reserved for high winds or military coups.However this past year used worlwide to help hold the spread of Covid 19.Some countries more successfully than others...

Zoom---A Zoom meeting is now the commonplace way for everyone to communicate with everyone else from high powered board meetings to recreating a pissed up pub quiz and everything inbetween.So much so that it's now become a verb."Yea he's fine,we zoomed last night" Clearly Aretha Franklin & Geroge Michael's "Who's zooming who?" was years ahead of it's time...always check your bookcase before engaging...

Self isolation---A term formally used for monks and beardy hermits living in Scottish caves is now an heroic act for anyone not leaving the house for a couple of weeks...

Quarantine---Formally used for rabid dogs crossing international borders,now used for rabid holiday makers crossing international borders...

Furlough---A word that came back to life owing to the pandemic.Back in the day it was basically the equavilent of being laid off work but "Furloughed" sounds much more eloquent and grown up don't you think? Anyway i have been furlouged for almost a year now so my fur is well and truely loughed by now...

Anti vaxxers---Here we go...nothing new in this term but it's really come to the fore recently.In the good old sepia tinted days of old the anti vaxxers claimed vaccinations gave kids autism but with the Covid vaccine being rolled out they claim it's a ruse by Bill Gates to implant tracking devices into us so he knows when we go to the toilet...ironically these claims are posted via a pc or mobile phone that can track our bowl movements.Oh sweet irony...

Normal times---You know,those perfectly normal times before things were not normal.One day the hope is to revisit "Normal times" but i doubt we will because in reality not much about how we lived our lives before the advent of adnormality was normal."Normal times" to replace "Back in my day" in the lexicon of trite nostalgia...

Mask---Masks have always been around of course and have  proved good at lessening the spread of germs,robbing banks and playing Zorro...Oriental cultures have worn them for years as a sign of respect to others when the wearer has a case of the sniffles but there are still some who believe wearing a mask is an affront to their freedom to spread their spores to others(see also anti vaxxers) I can only surmise the anti maskers would be happy to have a twelve hour heart operation with nobody in the operating theatre wearing a mask...

Corona---I look forward to the day when ordering a Corona in the bar is'nt taking the piss...

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