Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Crash! Bang! Wallop! The peoples Olympics opens...

Immediately after the Chinese opening ceremony had finished four years ago the first thought in many Brits heads was'nt "Where's our first medal coming from?" but rather "How the hell are we going to compete with that?"

The Chinese had put on a faultless spectacular.But it was essentially a statement from China to the Western World proclaiming they were no longer a rural backwater but a force to be reckoned with and we'd better watch out...Yes it was wonderful but like all state run operations it was a show of strength that lacked heart...

The decision  to make Danny Boyle the brains behind the London 2012 opening ceremony was inspired, allowing him to get on with it without interference showed balls.the result was a magnificent kaleidoscope of Britain's history and institutions,combining spectacular sets with lashings of Humour...The fact that much of the watching world did'nt get it was neither here or there...It was a case of sit back and enjoy the ride...

Surprising then that it all began in predictable fashion with a flypast by The Red Arrows to open the ceremony.In the UK it's easy to become nonchalant whenever they make an appearance but in truth they can still make the hairs stand on end...Barely ten seconds after whizzing past the Olympic Stadium they were rattling my windows...

That was about as predictable as the show got...Danny Boyle is a story teller so knows how to build a narrative....

So we began slowly with a nod to our rural past and an idyllic that probably never existed.Comely buxom wenches watching ruddy faced yeomen playing cricket on a village green with ne'er a care in the world...

But wait! who's this? why it's Isambard Kingdom Brunel! in the guise of Kenneth Branagh.Complete with stove hat and cigar---Unlit as per smoking at work regulations--By the way American readers,if a character turns up in stove hat and britches do not immediately assume it's Abraham Lincoln,as many did...IKB issued forth the Industrial Revolution.

This was very spectacular as GB's green and pleasant land was transformed into a visual embodiment of Blake's Jerusalem complete with dark Satanic mills...After a slow start the show was now beginning to really cook...

By this stage i was gripped...twitter was going nuts too,it was hard to keep up with both but hell we gave it a good go!

The next stage of the show bought forth the most controversy.After a nod to the Suffragettes we got a full on tip of the hat and bow of respect  to the National Health Service---The UK's shining light in my humble opinion---Complete with extra large beds,each containing a happy bouncing child and dancing nurse---these were not actors/dancers either but real nurses---The spectre of a Government intent on destroying our most cherished of institutions was realised by a huge evil Lord Voldemort hovering with malevolent intent over the innocent children...

Ok it was as subtle as a flying hammer,but the point was made to the whole world.Much to the chagrin of some Tory MP's and horrible little rags like the Daily Mail,who also complained that the show was "Too ethnic" I would'nt advise The Mail watch the 100 meters final then lest it bring on a collective Aneurysm among it's rabid reactionary hacks...

By this time my Twitter/Facebook timeline was indicating that many outside the UK were totally confused by the references.So Boyle's masterstroke was to add well known worldwide British exports Mr Bean,James Bond & The Queen to reel in those who may have been giving up on it...Rowan Atkinson(aka Mr Bean) did a comic turn to Chariots of Fire--Nice Olympic juxtaposition there.

...Ah the wonders of the modern World eh?

But the real thrill was the Bond/Queen skit...When the Video of Daniel Craig(aka James Bond) began of him walking through Buck House nobody could know what was to come next...Everyone thought it would be a look-a-like Queen he spoke to.But no,it was Queenie herself! even hardened Republicans of my acquaintance were beside themselves.you could almost hear the whole country shouting "Bloody hell it's the Queen!"

I don't know who Boyle's agent is but he deserves a hell of a raise...

There was also a fine musical montage running through the proceedings,there were some fine choices seemingly chosen from Boyle's MP3...Indeed within seconds of the finish ITunes had released an album of the ceremony!

On and on the show went,we'd all run out of superlatives by now.It was just a case of gawping open mouthed at the spectacle in front of us...Among the celebrations there was a poignant memorial to the victims of the 7/7 terrorist attacks.In America NBC chose to cut this out of their broadcast.

The Olympians had their customary alphabetical flag bearing walk through into the stadium.Although this was a long winded affair it was jolly.The athletes obviously relishing the relaxed atmosphere of the show.The Czechs showed a good sense of humour aligned with a familiarity with British weather by donning Wellingtons and umbrellas...GB came out to Bowie's "Heroes" Pure class...

For weeks there had been speculation on who would light the flame.Beckham? Redgrave? Old Mother Hubbard? 

Again there was a surprise;Beckham sped down the Thames on a speedboat with the torch,handed over to Steve Redgrave...Ah so it was Redgrave all along? But no,seven aspiring teenage Athletes who'd been nominated by established British Athletes were waiting with a torch each to light the flame...The torch had also been given a guard of honour by 500 builders who'd worked on the Olympic Stadium.Good old Danny...

So that was the show.Did we come through? 

Hell Yea!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

The Olympics come to town...

There's a number of things us Brits do well,among these are a healthy cynicism,playing black hatted baddies in Hollywood movies and finding something to moan about...

God how we love to moan...Give a Brit £10 Million and i can bet your bottom Dollar we will find something to whinge about.It's in our nature...

We also put on fantastic sporting events.Mostly in sports we invented,taught the world then sat back and watched as the world beat us hands down at all of them..  When you combine our propensity to have a bit of a whine and us hosting the 2012 Olympic Games it's fun fun fun all the way...

I love The Olympics and i'm proud that they're being hosted only two miles from where i live.Indeed i once lived in a housing Co-Operative situated in what is now the Olympic site.I think the Basketball Arena now stands where i used to wash the dishes in our kitchen...I hope they have sorted out the major Cockroach problem and released all the trapped methane that had accumulated in an area that was basically industrial landfill...

The Olympic Stadium from the River Lea,Which surrounds the site.

The one major gripe with locals is the disruption to travelling around the City.Well duh! It's the Olympics for Christ sake. there's gonna be times when the trains & roads are going to be rammed cos' guess what? The biggest show in the world is coming to town with thousands of extra bodies all travelling in one direction.So yes there will be more disruption.Surely you don't have to be an intellectual heavyweight to work out that if your trip is likely to take longer owing to restrictions then allow more time by leaving earlier...You can grumble all you like but if you're not prepared to change your routine for a month then you're a fool and deserve to be caught up in delays...

Make no bones about it we will turn up in our numbers---that's another thing we do well,we actually get off our arses and attend sporting events.Don't be  surprised to see a full stadium at 9am local time for the Steeplechase  first round qualifying...

Despite my love of the Olympics there have been some things going on around the event that sit uneasily.The aggressive sponsorship for one.Not only from the usual suspects of McDonalds,Coca-Cola and Addidas etc...But also from the IOC who have "Protected" their five rings symbol with the zeal of a Lioness protecting her cubs.

Whilst i can understand the need to protect copyright does a local Newsagent displaying the Olympic symbol really pose a threat to the IOC? I would think the biggest threat is internal corruption,which is rife...However it does give rise to the more creative cynics.Every cloud has a silver lining...

Another bone of contention is security.Because of the times we live in there's obviously  a need for well organised and professionally run security.So why they allowed such a discredited company as G4S run the whole show is beyond me.Hell they can't even summon up enough numbers for the Olympic site.With the British Army covering the shortfall to the tune of 3,000 soldiers.Still can't be too hard on G4S.They've only had seven years to sort it out...The other security bone of contention is the deployment of surface to air missiles atop of a local block of flats.The residents are naturally up in arms over this and rightly feel the powers that be have ridden roughshod over them.There is plenty of waste ground locally where these things could be placed.Hopefully they won't be needed to be used in anger.Let's just hope the inevitable fireworks display does'nt set the buggers off!

There's been a lot of talk about the opening ceremony.The previous games hosted by China had a very impressive display but it was essentially a show of tight regimented joylessness.I expect ours to be a bit more shambolic but a hell of a lot more fun...

As for me i planned ahead.Made sure i booked the whole two weeks off work early before anyone else could steal my thunder(Hey it's a jungle out there! This is no time to show weakness) I don't have any tickets ---Only bookable through VISA naturally---but will watch most of it on TV with the curtains drawn, becoming an instant expert on sports i have never even heard of before---"Oh come on her Piaffe was below par and to be honest the Tempi was'nt up to scratch either.Blown our chances of a Dressage Bronze there"--No doubt i will pop along to the stadium at some stage to soak up some of the atmosphere.It would be rude not to.

Being a Brit i obviously hope my country does well and wins lots of medals but putting jingoism aside the main wish is that the 2012 Olympic Games are a great success and remembered for all the right reasons...

Let The Games begin...

PS) Thank God The BBC have still got the rights to the Olympics.This is what they do superbly.They also have the classy and informative Michael Johnson as their main pundit again.An all round class act...

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Picture This...My Favourite Snaps Prt 2

As i said in the previous post i am a strictly amateur happy snapper but sometimes get lucky and snap something i feel is worth it...

When i first saw the cat behind the swan my thought's were it's got no chance but it seems it was only wanting a drink.The swan did'nt seem to bothered by it being there...I have been led to believe all squirrel's are skittish and run away from humans.This little bugger tried to get into my shopping and followed me for about 50yards.Be afraid...

Not great quality i admit but managed to capture the moment.It went for six...

Again quality not great but managed to grab the moment--BTW i have bought a new,and much better,camera since these were taken...

Church,graveyard,snow.What's not to like?

The pigeons did'nt know what had hit them...

STREB Extreme Action walk down City Hall...

...But don't worry they got down ok.Elizabeth Streb is in the middle...

Finally i s'pose i had better include a self portrait...

Monday, 16 July 2012

Picture This...My Favourite snaps. Prt 1

I am strictly amateur when it comes to taking photo's.A case of point,click and hope--which is where digital camera's are such a boon these days---but occasionally i manage to get a decent snap.

Here's a few of them.In no particular order of preference...


This was the opening day of the Occupy St Paul's protest.I wanted a pic of the media covering the event.

                                   The same protest a week later...

Taken at the bottom of very slippery steps on the Thames looking towards Canary Warf...

St Paul's

The classic Mexican stand off.The Swans won...

I don't normally bother with graffiti but this struck a chord( Every pun intended)

What i liked about this and did'nt realise till i studied it is that there's a fly to the right of the Blackbird about to meet it's maker.Lucky.But not for the fly...

Early morning from the fast moving sleeper train to Scotland.Like the mist just hanging above the ground.

A few of my mates on the way to see Wolves.I like the naturalism of it...

Again a lucky break.Took this of Battersea Power St and only realised later it was nicely complemented by the hanging berry in dead centre...

Lucky yet again.The Hawk had just caught a mouse and devoured it on my arm...

Not very good quality but managed to get the ball hitting the back of the net...Very rare for Wolves thee days...

That's it for now.Hope you liked them.Will do another one soon...

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Moan moany moan...A grumpy Blog

I was considering writing  a blog about lovely smiley things like Bunny Rabbits &  fluffy clouds...But after spending the last four days at work listening to constant moany moans from co workers i'm in a vindictive mood...Besides it's more fun...

Like all moany moans this is'nt about the big things that really matter but mundane everyday things that don't, but still rankle...

Gastropubs;  Maybe it's an age thing but i hate them.A pub should be for drinking in, with the occasional bar snack thrown at you by truculent bar staff, but many of them are now a cross between The Golden Egg & The Nell Gwynne Tearooms...Have you ever actually tried getting a bloody drink in one of these abominations?

First off at the bar the harassed staff are not only trying to serve drinks but also have to take the food order of a family of ten that's just walked through the door and barged their way to the front cos' "The kids are restless" Well don't bring the kids then! Infact stay at home and leave the pub for it's original function...Once you get a drink where to sit? You can't sit at 75% of the tables as they have been designated for the fucking Waltons to chow down like pigs at a trough...Oh and while i'm on one don't tut loudly when i sit outside smoking as you munch loudly whilst allowing your brood to re-create The Lord of The Flies around my feet.It's you fuckers who drove us smokers outside in the first place...Oh and don't even get me started on Wetherspoons.The tenth level of Hades...

Heavy manners; Believe it or not i consider myself quite a well mannered .I always do my please & Thank You's.I open doors for people.I'm a frigging champion at the No 1 Brit sport of queuing---Which ain't easy in Hackney where queuing mostly consists of hanging around randomly within 20 yards of where the queue should be---50% of the time i get a favourable response & don't get too hot under the collar if i don't.After all 50% is a pretty good return...

However i live in multi occupation building and when i am in the lobby anyone who passes i say hello to--or variations  thereof---and when i say hello---or variations thereof---I expect a response,not 50% of the time,not 75% of the time but 100% of the time...

See, we live in a decent, clean & safe place.The location is bloody brilliant.10 min from anywhere in central London and rents are reasonable...So when i am in the lobby either going out or coming in and i say hello--or variations thereof---I am not a mugger,rapist or Jehovah Witness.I am a fellow resident attempting to exchange the barest of human contact with people that i have at least one thing in common with.

When i say hello--or variations thereof---I am not attempting anything more.I don't want a relationship with you or an invite to your parents house for Xmas dinner.I am just being well mannered.So those of you who ignore me, get over yourself.Or to put it another way.Go fuck yourself...Or variations thereof.


I love them both for different reasons.Over the last couple of years both have been a tremendous boon to my life and to be honest i could'nt imagine not being able to access either.Oh i'd get by of course but life would be a bit poorer.Plus it's all free...apart from a small bit of personal info,which is floating about on the web anyway whether you have these social media outlet or not...

So what's my gripe? Well to read some Tweeters/Facebookers you'd be forgiven for thinking that both of these were the tool of the Devil himself,Constantly complaining about the damned things...

If used well it opens up the whole world for you and it's free! what's the problem? If it's that useless then bugger off and do something else...

Oh and before i bugger off myself one last one.Complete and utter gobshites who insist on pinning up a rota for everything...Fucks sake grow up!

Ah that's better...Lol.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Eurozoned...The last Blog.

So despite all the misgivings of many this years Euro Championship has,by general consensus,been a resounding success.

The BBC programme Panorama highlighted a problem in both Poland & Ukraine with extreme right wing football hooligans whereby a few sub humans from both countries would disrupt the tournament to such a degree that it prompted ex England centre back Sol Campbell to announce fans would be coming back in body bags...Media satirist Chris Morris could not have done a better job...This was not satire though and i feel the BBC owe both countries a huge apology...

There was a little trouble,most notably when Poland played Russia but this was more to do with centuries of conflict between the two countries than anything football related.The game was just the opportunity to get it on...

There was thankfully nowhere near the amount of racist abuse dished out to the black players as was feared.However one incident is one too many.Ironically when it came it was'nt from either Polish or Ukraine fans but from Spanish,Croatian and Russian fans.How grown adults get a kick from making monkey noises at someone simply because they have different coloured skin is beyond my comprehension.They class all different races as sub humans whereas it's they themselves who need to get the card stamped "Fully paid up member of the Human race"

Oh and well done England fans.Not one arrest in the three weeks...

Anyway enough of that.What of the football?

Well i thought it was superb.The winners Spain finally showed their real self with a resounding 4-0 win over Italy in the final.I think the Spanish team had been stung by accusations of being boring and Italy paid the price last night.

They have now won three major Championships on the trot and can rightfully claim to be one of the best International teams ever.I still prefer the 1970 Brazil team but that's probably a generation thing.

Apart from Spain The Italians can be proud of their part as can Germany and even Greece.The Germans are still a work in progress and once they sort out their dodgy defence will be a World force again.

Holland & France were the biggest disappointments.The Dutch have real talent but need to get all their players pulling in the same direction to make the most of their talent.Meanwhile i assumed Laurent Blanc had sorted out the problems with the French team but they quickly reverted to internal squabbling.Sami Nasri being a particular example of the Diva footballer...

My player of the tournament is Stuart Downing...Nah only joking.There were a few big names that could be named as player of the Euros.Pirlo,Ronaldo,Iniesta.But i'm going to plump for Alonso of Spain. He was the engine room of the eventual winners and despite not being the Worldwide name was always reliable and kept his team ticking over...

Like many i watched the games on TV and frankly the number of quality pundits on either channel can be counted on the fingers of one hand...on a double amputee...

The best in my view were Klinsmann,Vialli, Seedorf and Martinez.With an honourable mention for Lee Dixon.The rest were just laughable.

Shearer showed his stupidity when saying Balotelli had won nothing despite winning league and cup titles in two different countries.Lawro sounded like he hated the game and grumbled his way through every game.You're being paid to watch and comment on one of the worlds greatest football competitions you tosser!

Meanwhile on ITV Roy Keane had the all round malevolence of a serial killer on day release...Capping it off with slating the Irish fans for supporting their team.

England did what England does.Get's to the quarter finals and no further.Frankly unless we sort out our inability to retain possession of the ball then that's as far as were ever going to get...

Meanwhile UEFA are in the process of destroying the make up of a very good tournament by increasing the teams next time to 24,Thereby diluting the quality. There is even talk of the Euros being held in 13 different cities in 13 different countries in the future.A disaster waiting to happen for the game.

All in all i enjoyed the Euro's and any fears i had about the whole tournament were quickly and rightly expelled...

I wonder what the 2014 World Cup in Brazil will bring...