For some reason they made me pay upfront which has never happened in here before and I normally come in first thing for coffee & last thing for a nightcap or two.Maybe it’s because Sunday is extra busy or maybe because they think I’m gonna do a runner.If it’s the latter then as the oldest person here I’d probably get about 5 yards and also take a fierce kicking in the process…however other people are being charged as they order too so my paranoia seems ill founded…anyhoo having a very nice Weißbier so there…
Almost done a week in Paris now with another three & a bit days to go and it’s been great.Have found it very friendly & relaxing.Appears to be a slightly slower pace of life to London.They still seem to have that “ let’s take as long as we can over drinks/ food,what’s the rush?” Attitude which seems to make everyone more chilled…
Had a curry last night in a local Indian…it was ok but nothing special.I have had many curries in various European cities and apart from Strasbourg they have generally been disappointing.I am starting to think maybe they’re made to a slightly different specificity in the UK for our tastebuds.Of course when asked I said it was superb cos’ I’m not gonna diss a Frenchman’s cooking and I’m certainly not gonna diss a French Indian’s efforts…
It’s another wet & cold day today.Apparently spring is in the air but I don’t believe it…found myself hanging around Bastille having some great cheap coffee.If you get away from the main drag you can find relatively inexpensive places.I got stung for a €11-50 pint of cooking lager 🍺 in a place next to the metro last year.Always careful to check the prices now…but y’know Bastille with all the history etc.Shame there’s nothing left of the place besides a few foundations in the metro station…
I have banged this drum before but like many European cities Paris is remarkably clean & litter free for the most part unlike London.It’s a simple matter of spending money on regularly spaced street bins being regularly emptied and having daily street cleaning in every area and not just a select few districts that can afford it…that being the case most people then do what is right and use the bins provided thereby keeping things as they should be…in London,and most major British cities,not enough bins are provided and those that are seem to not get emptied nearly enough,consequently they overflow and some think “fuck it” and dump their trash in the street.Don’t think it’s a lack of civic pride per se but many need extra encouragement.I have been guilty of it myself as probably many have who regard themselves as good citizens…we had a thing in the UK many years ago when there was a paranoia that bombs would be left in bins and many were removed never to be replaced.We need them back.When I see how shitty our cities look compared to our European counterparts it breaks my heart…
Sorry about getting a bit down in the dumps about that but y’know how it gets sometimes…
Anyway that’s my lot for today…see ya.
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