Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Near death experience prt2…Paris#3

Ok I deleted my first blog penned today,not because of some angst ridden fit of pique but because I have sausage fingers that occasionally do stupid things…

A lesson in today’s world of disinformation should be to read beyond the headline so with that in mind my near death experience was merely not having full access to my phone for about 18 hours.That might sound like an over dramatic take but the way we depend on our phones these days it’s almost true…my data had run out from my phone plan and whereas previously I could just adjust it online now the phone company insist we jump through hoops to get it sorted.I needed to have a strong coffee on hand before talking to someone from EE.To be fair the young lady couldn’t have been more helpful and the whole thing took less than a minute…life saved.

Visited Montmarte earlier and even walked all the way up rather than take the (house of) funicular.My physical health is not what it was so was feeling proud of my slow achievement in trekking to the top despite being constantly passed by smug middle aged joggers in ill fitting Lycra going unnecessarily quickly…Montmarte is beautiful but it is a tourist trap,as tourist traps go it’s a pretty classy one though although as expected it’s expensive to drink/dine there…the small square is given up to artists with easels trying to earn a crust and they’re surrounded by twee restaurants which wouldn’t look out of place in “ A year in Provence “ 

Had my first tiny bit of metro engagement earlier.I am on line 3 which has very old trains that you need to manually open the doors with a small lever and not being au fait with which way they turned meant I was a nano second slow in doing my duty.Either way it was far too slow for a lady behind me who tutted so loudly I thought she might be British.My laughter only annoyed her more…anyway later on I was offered a seat by a young lady so I think we can call it a draw…

Had a short walk around Pere Lachaise earlier in the morning but wet cobble stones are not that easy to negotiate especially when going downhill.Cobble stones always look good but once they get wet it’s like old fuckers dangerous sports…

Went back there later to visit a bar I had been in before to have a cheeseburger which I remember being extremely good.Unfortunately I was too late but whilst penning the original of this the barmaid came over with a battery bank for me to use which was either extremely nice of her or I have just had my bank details hacked.Will let you know tomorrow…

On that note as I have written this twice I’m gonna call it a day.Until tomorrow.Ciao…

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