The good thing about being an old bugger in a hotel with youngsters is that old buggers generally get up early and get first crack of the showers.The bad thing is the need for a few toilet trips during the night…especially after a few drinks,which is what I had last night…
First off went to a place I stayed by at Easter one stop away on the U-Bahn…was doing last night’s Blog there and got a message from the hotel I’d booked in Gothenburg saying my payment had failed and I needed to rectify it to keep the room.I really didn’t understand as I had paid in full and to be honest I was in a pub at 7pm and there’s no way I’m ringing hotels,booking agents & banks at that time.So after the initial shock had worn off I decided to let it slide until the morning…as I said ages ago I knew not all things would run smoothly so at times had to keep a cool head and sort things out calmly…anyway I messaged the hotel but didn’t really expect a reply until today but they did ten minutes later and explained it was the fault of the booking agents not them and my room is still fine…phew( I think.Things could change!)
Next I popped up one u-Bahn stop further to go to my favourite Berlin rock bar the Wild at Heart but it was closed.Think it only does Thursday to Sunday .Never mind.Went next door and ordered the most disgusting beer I can ever recall having.It was a bottle so not the bars fault…think it was called Flatz Maltz or something like that.Oh sweet lord it was a trial just to get through half of it.No good had to leave it and leave the bar out of shame…luckily there’s another bar next door called Madonna ( honest) sat down at the bar,ordered a trusty Weißbier and messed around with my phone.The barman( who turned to be the owner) leaned over saying “ You are a Wolverhampton fan yes?” “ huh? Er yea but how did you know?” “Saw the badge on your phone”
See the Wolves badge is instantly recognisable! Oh and few foreigners call us Wolves,it’s nearly always Wolverhampton…anyway we had a good natter.There were a few English in there apart from me and we discussed,amongst other things,the British thing of buying drinks in rounds.It’s not really a thing in Germany that much…oh he’s a Bayern Munich fan and very happy with Harry Kane too…
That’s it for the moment.Waiting for the arrival of my friends.There will probably be updates to this though…
Until then…ciao.
Ps By the way I successfully managed the gangplank onto the boat even after several bevvies.Let’s hope that remains the case!
Pps Had a text from the doctor asking me to fill out a health questionnaire.As I have been drinking & smoking like a sailor on shore leave for 6 weeks probably best to ignore it or do what we all do and lie and yes,I know the docs take the lies into account( don‘t they Lak?)
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