Saturday, 23 September 2023

Bilious Blog…Around Europe in 80 days#55

Nearly five hour train from Hamburg to Copenhagen.It was fine and in truth might  be 
I’m the easiest bit of the Scandi bit of the tour.My trip to Oslo on monday is over ten hours for instance..,can’t whinge too much,my decision an’ all that…

Trouble was I could feel my stomach doing that thing it does when the wind is trapped( this will be graphic so in time honoured fashion of football commentary we apologies for any industrial language)  it started with about an hour to go to Copenhagen and the train toilets were permanently occupied.I held on till the destination anyway but there were two full trains arrived at the same time and it took ages just getting up to the concourse…

Of course I had no idea where the WC was and when I found it I prayed they had debit card facilities cos’ obviously I had no Danish Kronor…they did and by this time I really was shuffling like an old man cos’ things were close to the edge as Yes probably sang ( sorry if you’re offended by this but it’s perfectly normal bodily functions and I’m sure all of us have been in this horrible position before) I didn’t realise Copenhagen station WC is unisex.Not a problem but but everyone by the cubicles was female and when I got in I made noises which would make the demon from the Exorcist say “ what the fuck was that”

Half an hour I was in there,several flushes and no doubt plenty of stifled giggles from the other side of the door.I wouldn’t blame them cos’ if  I’d heard it I’d be laughing my arse off too…an ironic term of phrase in the circumstances.So that was my introduction to Copenhagen…sounds horrible but if you’ve been in the same situation,as I’m sure many of you have,you’ll know at that one moment you’ll sell your (ar)soul for a functional toilet…blah blah blah.All cleaned up and able to walk properly I need to get yet another reservation for the Oslo trip in Two days..,

The woman couldn’t have been nicer and more professional.She said on her readout I did’nt need one but there were some other alterations to what I had on the app and she printed them all out for me ( the Interrail app is accurate but not always 100% up to date) We made each other laugh which for officialdom is not easy..,Another plus for Copenhagen.

Hostel was about a 10 minute walk from the station along the river,it was very nice,especially dodging the showers( Primark jacket came into It’s own here) and the hostel was easy to find.I had forgotten about the place I had booked is a 100% non profit place staffed by volunteers with any money made after bills and rent  goes to overseas aid…it’s basically the ultra “Woke” hostel and I love it being an old lefty…actually besides all that it’s a pretty cool building too.Oh and they have a laundry too so I’m making a date tomorrow,they also have a bar & live music and the prices are reasonable…another plus for Copenhagen.

The hostel seems to be in a Hackney type area.Only been to one bar over the road and again the barmen couldn’t have been more helpful and chatty & charming.They also did killer chips,big and chunky and proper.It’s not cheap,but the hostel has equalised 
that…another plus for Copenhagen.

So I’d say Copenhagen is winning comfortably at the moment.The beginning of my Scandi trip has started well and I’m only here for another 36 hours too..,

They have an event on tonight,live band I think,maybe poetry.It’s packed with Copenhagen’s hippest young crowd and probably has the cheapest booze in town.No point in going elsewhere really…I ended up staying the night chatting to a lovely Norwegian woman named Kari…


That Rigby Bloke said...

Mornin newsocksmon
Victoria Park RAR Clash biggie '78 springs to mind in the 'absolutely-must-go' department...portaloo,no toilet need for any more info 😁
Loving the sound of your Scandi leg of your journey...great stuff mate...Keep it going our kid...Nige

Anonymous said...

I was there too! Was debating with myself whether to write that bit but figured everyone would be able to relate to that problem in some basic way…wish I‘d booked more time in Copenhagen.Seems a really cool place.One for a much longer stay in the future.Currently in the glamorous surroundings of the hostel laundry room…cheers for your support!