Thursday, 12 October 2023

Bilious Blog…Around Europe in 80 days#74

After the almost disastrous trip to the laundrette yesterday things have calmed down thankfully.My passport is drying nicely in my room and I’m off down south tomorrow to Mainz.Not sure if it counts as South Germany or middle Germany but either way…travelling on Friday 13th? What could go wrong…I don’t believe that superstitious nonsense by the way.If something goes wrong it’s not due to the date,that would be silly.It’s simple logic and Taurus rising in my Aries or something…

Sitting in my 2nd favourite bar Dä Spiegel ( only cos‘ the barmaid treats me like a local) opposite my favourite Düsseldorf bar Auberge.It’s my last night here for a while so I would think a few bevvies are in order…relatively quiet in the Alt Stadt today.It’s a bit dull & rainy so many are clearly staying inside.The sun always brings more people out unless it reaches 40c then sensible people stay indoors…

Popped out to the Fortuna Düsseldorf Football ground today to take a few pics.They have five games at next years Euro championship so if you’re coming over and have never been before here’s the lowdown…the stadium is about 15 mins out from the Hauptbahnhof on U77.They terminate at the ground so no problem missing your stop.When you get off you may wonder where the ground actually is cos‘ all you can see is something that looks like a conference centre for lots of grey suited dicks talking to other grey suited dicks.Yep that’s the ground.But it’s great inside.In Germany you can drink & smoke watching the game but I bet UEFA won’t allow that but the concourse bars are plentiful with lots of room,you know the exact opposite to most UK grounds…oh and German Polizei are armed( just saying)

The bite on my left hand seems to be healing up nicely.It was pretty swollen and itchy,red and annoying but I’m  happy to say it’s now almost looking as gnarled and old as my right hand…some speculated it might be bed bugs as Paris has an infestation apparently but it felt and looked like a spider bite to me.I like spiders too,they kill flies and I never knowingly kill a spider yet this is how they repay me.Talk about biting the hand etc…

Quick aside; It really bugs me to see people with their phones sticking out of their back pocket.You’re literally inviting somebody to steal it.Just me or do others feel that way?

I have mentioned the “German stare” before.This is the habit many German’s have of holding a stare at you just for a split second longer than us Brits( and I suspect many other nationalities) find comfortable but on this trip I have barely noticed it until today on the tram.A strikingly attractive woman gave me “ the stare” a couple of times.At first I thought “ aye aye” but then remembered which country I was in and my hopes died in the dust.Still it was a good minute or so before I cottoned on so I’m counting it as a full on flirt…

So down to my last week on this trip.It has flown by which is good.Not all been 100% exciting of course but luckily my boredom threshold is pretty high.It has to be all the time I have spent in stations & on trains and if I was getting a bit bored of one city another one was just around the corner…writing this blog has helped considerably too.I honestly never thought I could manage a daily blog but so far so good.As some of my friends will tell you I can be annoyingly talkative at times which can be a Brucie Bonus if you need to knock out a daily blog…thanks for everyone’s kind words & encouragement too.Much appreciated..on that note I’m off to get pissed…

Ciao babes…


That Rigby Bloke said...

Wow,time flies mate (sorry about the flies bit 😁 but time spiders doesn't quite work)
The last week ay...have really enjoyed your blog Gareth,it's bought back a lot of my old memories...I know I've insisted on you having fun and I hope that's exactly what you've had.
Great stuff !!!
Ps,...And you're not alone in the phone-in-the-back pocket caper,I've banged on about it to my kids and still do (they're all in their 40s !!),phones today are the equivalent of the old fashioned wallet and folk are totally lost without their mobiles so it makes perfect sense to me, but hey ho they know sooo much more than us old I'm regularly told 😂😂
Best Wishes to you ...Nige

Anonymous said...

Thanks mate.Keeping your wallet in the back pocket was always risky too.Much better putting it somewhere safe like the washing machine! Anyway thanks for supporting me,been great and still a week to go.Once again writing this in the smoking section of a German railway station ( gotta love them Germans!)

Marcus Shingler said...

Enjoyed your musings and pics on Insta mate! Been a journey as they say!