Friday 5 July 2024

60 Days in Europe…#35 Paris…

Turns out the coffee shop that I thought was dodgy for all the comings & goings is also a hotel.The front is just a normal cafe and the rest of the building is hidden behind.So mystery solved.Nothing exciting I’m afraid…

Ticket sorted for Strasbourg on Saturday morning.A wonderfully grumpy young lady but she got the job done so I’m happy…but still not happy with having to shell out another €20.I have never bought a train ticket in France as I’ve always been on Interrail so have no idea of the prices but if every inter city seat requires an additional €20 they are raking it in like nobody’s business.What’s the average price in the UK? A couple of quid maybe? Man alive…nice quick trains though…

Currently at the base of Montmare having a coffee(naturally) will probably have another before braving the 200 steep steps.Nah only kidding,gonna find the Funicular and go to the top as God,and my legs,intended…

Montmare is a cool spot,unfortunately because I dicked around a bit this morning I got there in the middle of the tourist rush,the trick is to try to get to these places before the hotel breakfast ends and thus minimising the crowds…apart from the views of course there’s a thriving “ village” at the top.Plenty of cafe bars and artists with their equipment set up.It’s all very pleasant but packed & expensive…at the top of the Funicular there’s a cafe with a sign for toilets chalked on their board charging €2,I had to go( as many were) so sucked it up & paid but decided to have a coffee too and consequently got my €2 back as I was now a paying customer! Hardly anyone in there and I reckon for every customer they’re getting ten only using  the toilets! Fair play to them…

Many of the tourists seem to be French.I suppose Paris is much like London in that many that live outside constantly rag on about hating the place but love to visit…anyway because I didn’t walk up the mountain of steps I will walk down as I’m feeling fit and of course it’s a damn site easier…

Just worked out how to put money on my Paris oyster(not oyster) card via the app on my phone.It’s not easy and it did take a while messing around trying to scan the card etc.Meanwhile it also turned on my Spotify and it wasn’t even to what I was playing last! Very bizarre…now that’s sorted gonna finish my drink here and head down to the Latin Quarter for a mooch about…

I‘m not a driver,never had any interest and being in Paris has in no way whatsoever made me regret that decision.It’s mayhem! They talk about the Italians but they drive like Miss Daisy‘s in the back seat compared to this lot and man do they love their horns…I would never cycle here that’s for sure.Cycled in London,which I’m used to so no problem and Berlin which I was a bit nervous about but the Germans respect the cyclist even in Berlin, but Paris? Not a hope in hell…

Think I got to The Latin Quarter but maybe took a wrong turn and ended up by Notre Dame instead.Maybe that is in the same area but I was expecting small independent bookshops & bars with chin stroking blokes dissecting 19th century philosophy…I really should research more instead doing most things on instinct.Maybe I will check it out again tomorrow as I don’t want to waste a good beard stroking opportunity…

Surprised by Notre Dame.Thought it would be a lot further along in the restoration after the fire but it looks a good few years off,certainly nowhere near Olympic standard…suppose you can’t rush these things and if you do it could ruin it forever…

In a while crocodile…

Found The Latin Quarter when looking for the metro.Pretty much as I pictured it…

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