Thursday 11 July 2024

60 Days in Europe…#41 Hamburg…

My train to Mannheim from Strasbourg is delayed by an hour,or “Retard 1hr-00“ as the the French put it.My connection from Mannheim to Hamburg is now on course to being lost as I had an hour wait at Mannheim…there is one an hour later so hopefully I can get that one…they might make up the time but my experience says they won’t.Already having flashbacks to my 18 hour Sunday…oh well.They finally posted the platform up but I couldn’t find my carriage so asked a guard and showed him my reservation ticket “Non non non” so my mind was racing.Turns out I nearly got on the train to Rennes and mine is next on the same platform.If in doubt always ask…and of course phew…on the train,on a train anyway.Seats where all fucked but managed to blag one which wasn’t mine.Hopefully this isn’t a sign of things to come.Not got a reserved seat for Hamburg as it was optional and I’ve paid enough out already.Turns out I didn’t really need this one but didn’t know that at the time…god I’m rambling,sorry…again this is becoming a bit of a rigmarole…Train to Hamburg from Mannheim cancelled so only alternative is to go to Frankfurt and pick up a Hamburg train from there.For those that were jealous of the good weather I’ve had you’ll be pleased to know it’s pissing down…

I feel as though I should start this again really cos’ like my train journey it’s all got a bit messy…first train an hour late,second train cancelled,third train 35 mins late.Finally at Frankfurt hoped to get the 13-58( the time now) announced that was running 50 minutes late but as i loudly sighed but silently cursed a Hamburg train came in the next platform that is running just over an hour late.So I jumped on and now I’m pulling out of the station…I don’t normally diss German trains but fuck me they’ve gone down the pan these last five years…hopefully I won’t be broadcasting any more shit train news…but they are nice and comfortable!

About an hour outside Hamburg,over two hours late,ticket gets checked and the cheeky bastard asks to see my passport…just bought a weekly Hamburg transport ticket on my phone and I’m probably still about 50 miles away from the place on a fast moving train.Technology is great except ordering via QR codes in a restaurant…€29 Decent price for all zones etc.

Had a good time last night in Exil’s bar.Got chatting to a few people,French,German,South Korean.It was a lovely hotchbotch of people and a stirring rendition of the French national anthem made me want to storm the Bastille and chop the heads off the aristocracy.Or at least off the owners of Le Bastille bar that charge €11-50 for a Kronenburg…also had a few jäger shots with the very bouncy barmaid who remembered me from the other night…

Getting quite used to seeing heavily armed military strolling around French railway stations very slowly and very menacingly.Usually in groups of six,sometimes as a pack all together or in twos or occasionally walking single file about twenty feet apart…I always have a bit of a worry Incase they beard profile and go postal on me…

Some might bridle at this but as I have a cough and few sniffles and I’m on a long train journey I have decided to wear one of the cloth masks I bought with me( not the Wolves one I have,that must be in bottom of the bag) Used to seeing it from the South East Asians pre pandemic round where I live as a common courtesy to other passengers so I decided to follow suit and fuck anyone who thinks I’m a stupid soft fucker for doing so…

Finally in the hotel.Caught the U-Bahn but decided to get a taxi from Schlump(it’s a place honest) but waited ten minutes and none came so walked.It’s actually not that far really but with bags and the heat(sorry) plus having to keep stopping to look at Google maps it seems ages.Room looks good.Right by the front door which is handy to fall into with a sexy bathroom.It’s one of those where I doubt I’m going to meet any staff.Fully paid up and keypad access to the hotel…

Anyway gonna see if I can find a bar to watch the game…

In a while crocodile…

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