Tuesday 9 July 2024

60 Days in Europe…#39 Strasbourg…


Despite many,including me, having deep reservations about the French elections they came through and gave Le Pen and her bunch of fascists a bloody nose,relegating them to third…went down to reception and asked the young girl there about it and she had a big beam on her face bless her…

Now on to the mundane everyday matters…went for a curry last night but it didn’t quite turn out as I expected.Popped into the place I had seen online and it was empty (6-45pm Sunday so no surprise) no reservations but that was fine.Asked for a menu and the fella pops a QR code thing in front of me and  I explained  I had never used one for ordering in a restaurant and that I’d need help.He gave me the most perfunctory guide imaginable and walked off and I still had no idea…now I am not a Luddite,I have embraced modern technology but I draw the line at this.As I was the only one there I asked if he could just take my order but no.Not a chance so I walked out and of course he couldn’t care less…

So I went to the Tamil round the corner from the hotel,nice friendly staff,proper menues and good food & beer ( Fischer not to be confused with Kingfisher) Excellent…as I said I use modern technology all the time with banking,train tickets etc and also QR codes on my phone too but sometimes I want the personal touch,especially in a shop or restaurant.I know I’m a bit of a dinosaur on this but I don’t care…

Popped to Strasbourg station to see if I can change my train ticket to Hamburg on Wednesday without much hope but it was fine.So instead of a 7-22am train with about four stops I’m on the 9-00am train with only one stop so that’s cool.Once again I’m staying in St Pauli and I’ll also get to meet up with Wolves/Cov Rikky and possibly her mate too.Looking forward to it…

Had my Oyster(not oyster) checked on the tram.It’s always a bit of tricky situation cos’ no matter how much you think you’ve sussed it all out there’s always a chance you’ve messed up big time.Good job I had remembered to validate it earlier but that’s only because I saw a fella do it and a lightbulb went off in my head…the worst thing was it was my stop,got the tap on the shoulder as I was leaving and of course fumbled around like a cliched confused Englishman abroad holding everyone up…luckily it was fine,apart from a few muttered French swear words from the cheap seats…

A French bloke in the bar just asked if I was “From the Island?” 

Got a bit of a headache.It’s not the booze so think it might be a cold,a wee bit bunged up too.In the last few years I think I may have developed a bit of hay fever also, just hope it’s not a new strain of Covid.I know it’s been reported in the UK not sure it’s reached mainline Europe yet…also have a slight temperature,Just my forehead is warm to the touch.There’s a possibility I’m just run down that’s all.May have an early night,don’t really want to as I’m in a great city and the weather is fantastic but hey ho,what can you do.Not twenty five anymore and these things aren’t as easy to shake off…let’s see what tomorrow brings…

In a while crocodile…

Ok not sure what happened but my headache suddenly disappeared! Not taken any paracetamol as I don’t want to jump through hoops in the pharmacy.Unlike in the UK you can’t just pick up a box of 16 for 20p in Aldi…so in time honoured fashion “fuck it,order another drink” I do,after all have a reputation of being a Brit to uphold…

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