Monday 22 July 2024

60 Days in Europe…#51/52 Berlin—Leipzig.

Many apologies for yesterday’s non appearance on here.I could claim something grandiose like writers block,or more accurately,Bloggers bollocks,but the truth is after a good few days of Berlin living I was knackered and frankly couldn’t be arsed…

Most of you are probably aware I write this on the hoof during the day then post it on social media the next day and as I didn’t knock anything out during the day yesterday I couldn’t do one this morning and also another later on the same day.That would be slightly dishonest,very time consuming and also I didn’t wake up till way past 8am this morning! 

Anyway it’s my last full day in Berlin and of course it’s been a blast.Spent a fair bit of the nights drinking in Kreuzberg in my favourite bars…managed to be allowed into the Wild at Heart last night.Couple of bands on,they were ok,it’s live music by bands I have never heard of so it’s a case of pays yer money and takes yer chance…had a bit of a chat with the landlady as i always do when I visit.To be honest i have no idea if she remembers me as she probably gets hundreds of strangers wanting to chat to her and us old un‘s tend to look the same after a while…but she’s always open to chat if she’s not serving or bollocking her DJ.Quite a character…

Waiting for the bus with a couple of Turkish blokes,one of whom was falling over pissed(a big lad too) and his mate who told me he’d arranged to meet his pal but when he got there he was already rawing drunk so he stayed on the soft drinks to look after him…must admit I was touched by his actions.Giving up his Saturday night(this was about 1-30am) for his mate…true friendship.

The hotel I’m in has something I’ve never seen before,along with the “do not disturb “ sign is a “ my room doesn’t need cleaning “ sign and I think that’s a really good idea.Let’s be honest unless you do something unspeakable in the room it shouldn’t need cleaning daily.All most people do is sleep & shower.Really how much attention does it need? I have had it cleaned twice in a week and that’s plenty in my book…

Every Berliner I have spoken to and mentioned I’m off to Leipzig next (tomorrow) has wrinkled their nose a wee bit at the mention of the city.Personally i think it’s a good place but my thinking is it’s like many Londoners dislike other parts of their own country simply because it’s not London (except Bristol.They all love Bristol and don’t the Bristolians hate that!) I imagine it’s the same in every capital the world over.If you’re not there then you’re not anywhere…

Been trawling around Berlin today taking some pics which i’ll post to Facebook & Instagram later( plus making good use of my weekly transport ticket) but there’s one pic I really wanted but was too scared to take as there were some rough looking geezers outside I doubt they’d take kindly to strangers taking pictures of their shop called “Spätify“ much like we have “ Singhbury’s “ back in Wolves I don’t think the big companies take kindly to having the piss taken out of them…

In a while crocodile…

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