Saturday 27 July 2024

60 Days in Europe…#57 Düsseldorf…

No drama today,yet…got kicked out of my seat because,well it wasn’t mine.The fella was very nice about it and even pointed out an unreserved seat…they don’t do the English “ I’m terribly sorry but I think that’s my seat but if you want to stay in it please do,sorry.I will go and sit on the floor outside the Stinking toilet for three hours,sorry “ The Germans tend to hover over you until you move without saying a word except “ that is my seat” 

One thing German trains,and it seems most other European trains too,do,or don’t do,is list off every bloody item that’s on sale in the buffet and then also list every item that isn’t available that day thereby making any train journey seem double in length.No it’s usually a case of “The buffet is in coach C and it’s open” They know we know what stuff they sell and if they don’t have it then tough,have something else…

However what German inter city trains do that is good is a few minutes before arriving at a station they go through what connections there are and from what platforms they go from.A valuable help if you’re in a tight race to catch a connection.They normally do it in German,French & English because,yea of course they bloody do…

Almost perfect,off at Hannover and my connection to Düsseldorf was on the opposite platform while also giving me time for a smoke.No need for another change either and have a six berth carriage to myself (at the moment)The only sticking point is that it was lovely and hot in Leipzig and of course I’m in shorts & t-shirt…
but it‘s grey cold & wet this side of the country but I don’t think even the Germans can blame DB for that…just another two and half hours to go then…

Judging by the news thank god I chose to go to France pre Olympic Games.Sounds like their rail network is at a complete standstill.Those Frenchies know how to maximise their industrial action! 

Some of you might bring into question my musical taste and even I think “why the hell do I like that?” One such case in point might be “ Tales From Topographic Oceans” by Yes…long winded and up it’s own arse but perfect for looking out of a train window passing flatland that seems to go on forever.Four twenty odd minute tracks of losing yourself in hippy nonsense…don’t worry I did cleanse my palate later with The Clash’s “Give ‘Em Enough Rope” which does also seem to fit in with the industrial heartland of the Ruhr we passed through…

Did ok with the 6 berth to myself,from Hannover to Dortmund, my stop is next anyway so pleased with that.Not that I’m anti social in anyway…now passing through Wuppertal where I started two months ago.It’s only a few miles from Düsseldorf…and the weather looks a wee bit brighter too..,

As you can imagine the Aldstadt was heaving,Luckily Gary is still alive and doing well in the bar I go to.He was telling me the place was rammed all the time during the month of the Euros as a lot of fans based themselves in the area and there was little to no trouble so it all worked out well…

Had six glasses of Alt Bier ( they’re only small glasses) and the famed beermat mark up which I think only happens in this area now…€14.

In a while crocodile…


Nige The Wolmon said...

Morning Mr Gareth
Coincidentally I listened to Gi em enough rope yesterday for the first time in years, I don’t think it ever really received the plaudits it should have done imo, it wasn’t the raw “1,2,3,4” of the first Lp and I thought it was quite soulful, barring the one side of London Calling I went off them when they became American…hey ho !!
As for Yes, lol, I reckon I was a punk in waiting even then, young Stanley used to drive me saft with them and The Nice and Floyd, I tried but never truly liked prog… Edgar Broughton now you’re talking !!
The German directness is something I quite liked, you know where you stand, no beating about the bush like the Brit politeness/sarcastic nuances.
Rikki’s first conversation when we met her was “How old are you ?” to Annie …I still remember smiling, a fair question but not something you’d ever get from a Brit in an opening convo (we’d spend at least ten minutes talking about the weather and how much a pint used to cost before we’d ever embark on “How old are you ?” IF we even dared to ask at all…lol,lol love it !!)…if you’re reading this Rikki we weren’t offended lol
Enjoy your last week or so mate…as always, have fun and take care

Anonymous said...

Cheers mate! Yea that directness is refreshing once you get used to it.Mind you it then takes me about a month back in Blighty to stop being “German” in my directness and becoming Hugh Fucking Grant again…as for the music,well I have a foot in a lot of camps but I agree with you on “Rope” vastly underrated.Cheers mate.Take care!