Saturday 6 July 2024

60 Days in Europe…#36 Paris…Strasbourg

Last full day in Paris.Been excellent.Got an early(ish) train tomorrow to Strasbourg which has put me in a bit of a quandary.France play Portugal tonight at 9pm local time.Last game was a monday and the bar I use was full and it was a 6pm kick off.However it’s late Friday evening and I imagine it will be packed as everyone will also be primed for the weekend,and they’ll all be celebrating Jacob Rees Mogg losing his seat too of course…I could struggle to get in.We will see…

So Strasbourg tomorrow? The train is just under two hours with no change so I think it’ll be a nice passage.Been there before,indeed I am staying in the same hotel as last time so have a good idea where it is and also still have the transport app on my phone and will reset it up once there…Strasbourg is still a bustling big city but will feel pretty sedate after a week in Paris…

The Paris Metro is obviously a lot like The London Tube but with marked differences.For one you do a lot more walking and step climbing,so much so your Apple device might think a dog has stolen it…yes it’s easy to get lost but I still get lost on the Tube occasionally and I’ve been using it nearly 40 years.Today I was at a station and went to find another line and ended up walking into Gare du Nord,which was not my intention at all but handy as I needed the toilet…most of the trains are pretty modern but there’s one line(10 I think) with old fashioned trains you need to pull a lever to open the doors and gloriously they open as the train is slowing down! I never did quite master the best positions for seat grabbing.Those more used to the ways of the metro knew where to stand and when to strike hard…

Thought I’d check out a bar I ended up in on my first day in Paris alone last year.It’s a cool little place and they made me feel very welcome.I knew it was opposite a dog grooming shop(it’s Paris after all) so found it easily via Google maps.It’s called Le Royal Bar and it’s close to that big tower thing…the place is still cool & friendly i’m glad to say…

My Interrail stats readout has gone a bit nuts I think.It’s showing that I have already done over 10,500 km which I don’t think I have.I think that mental Sunday going through France has sent it over the top.The French bit of the map looks like a two year old has been let loose with the crayons and gone doolally…once I’m done I’ll post it on social media…

Nearly done with the course of anti histamine tablets and everything seems fine thankfully.No more bites & no more itching.I’m not actually sure if I was supposed to take them as a course or just if and when I needed to take one.Ah well too late now,take last one tomorrow morning.Maybe I’ll turn into Jeff Goldblumb in The Fly…

I was expecting to see far more PSG shirts being worn around the place than I have.Probably only seen five being in a week.You see more Wolves tops at a funeral in the Black Country…oddly enough I have seen more English football tops,the usual suspects of course.Don’t know if they were locals or tourists.Did see one Wolves top but that was just my reflection as I walked past a shop…

Problem solved with the football.The only bar I know round here that’s showing the game(really can’t be arsed hunting round for another) is very small & already packed to the rafters so I’m over the road drinking Portuguese lager instead.Figured it was a forlorn hope.Would be conflicted anyway about the game what with Wolves Portuguese connections and wouldn’t want to cause an international incident in any way so discretion is the better part of valour and all that…

In a while crocodile…

So the game is on in the bar I’m in after all.I was very inattentive earlier…This is what being a smoker and getting table service does for you,fail to notice the bleeding obvious until that first toilet trip then it’s game over…

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