Friday 12 July 2024

60 Days in Europe…#42 Hamburg…

So after all of yesterday’s shenanigans I got myself sorted in the hotel then went out to find somewhere to watch the football.Loads of bars on the way but few,if any,appeared to have a TV.The bars in this area are more small rooms with benches outside…eventually sat down at one that was pretty empty cos’ I just needed a bevvy.By this time it was about 8-20 local time ( kick off 9-00) and I’d resigned myself to missing the match but as the owner collected glasses I asked if he knew anywhere the game would be on.He gave me a “ huh?” Look as I had actually been sitting under the damn telly this whole time…in my defence the sound was off,it was a relatively small screen,nobody else was taking any notice of it and I was completely frazzled from the travelling…M’Lord.

Great win though! Hardly anyone there watching and those that were rooted for The Dutch but hey ho…it absolutely poured down halfway through too but this is Hamburg so the weather is basically British.Looks like I’ll be watching the final there too then the next day I’m off to Berlin,where the final will be played.Not my best planning…

Got stopped by a young lady holding a news microphone with a cameraman at her side earlier.When  I said my German wasn’t good enough she said it was for German telly so no good to her( her use of “telly” and her accent made me think she was English herself) before I could ask what it was about they pounced on someone else…could of been my big moment.

Later on having a coffee an elderly couple sat next to me and when i got my phone out the fella said “Are you English?” I hadn’t spoken but it turns out he saw the Wolves badge when I opened my phone.He was from Leeds and his missus was from Chile.They both arrived in Hamburg separately 50 years ago,he was a musician and she escaped the military government on a boat from Santiago to Hamburg ( now that’s a journey!) Interesting couple and we had a good natter…

My cheap useless round sunglasses have finally given up the ghost and snapped in two.They were about a fiver from a Tottenham Court Road souvenir tat shop about 15 years ago and never actually kept out the sun but i liked how they looked…

I’m staying in St Pauli.Many people have heard of the area even those that have never been to Hamburg,mostly this is because of either the left wing football club St Pauli or the infamous Reeperbahn,the mile long strip of sex clubs & dodgy bars.Infact the football ground is at one end of Reeperbahn…but obviously there’s more to it than that.It’s an area with a high degree of what can be classed as alternative lifestyle which appeals to my sensibility.The area passes the Hackney test with flying colours…St Pauli also borders Altona which is also a little bit alternative in parts.

It’s turning into one of those chatty days.Just had a very pleasant hour long convo with a fella from Leipzig but now resident here.That happens sometimes,you’ll have a couple of quiet days then suddenly it’s chatty man all day.Sebastian( the fella) did me a favour as I was crashing hard after two long days travelling,boozing and footballing his company has woken me up…

Back in the football bar from last night.Looks like it might be my local.Again it’s not a “bar” as we would know it in Britain,just a small room selling beer & food with minimal seats inside(maybe for ten people) but enough benches outside on the street for maybe fifty people.Not an uncommon set up in this part of Hamburg,also seen similar in trendy areas of Bremen & Berlin.Possibly an import from Turkish immigrants that has caught on and in good weather is a perfect set up…

Anyway the one big question that always hogs these blogs is laundry.There are two within equal walking distance of about five minutes so that’s not a problem but do i need it yet? Will have to check my bag when I get back.T-shirts are ok I think,socks is not a worry cos’ if I run out I just won’t wear any.But the big one is underwear.Not sure I have more than one clean pair left and even as a slovenly bloke I can’t stretch that until Berlin next week…testing times.

On that note…

In a while crocodile…

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