Thursday 18 July 2024

60 Days in Europe.. #48 Berlin…

Ok I’m in Bar Madonna so can confirm it’s still an ongoing event,got the bus from the hotel so all is good with the world except up the road are a ton of Polizei so either something is about to happen or it already has…had a bit of a stroll round Museum Island earlier but didn’t go in to any of the museums.I think I have become spoiled by some of the best museums in the world being free in the UK that I bridle at paying to get in…was surprising how few people were around and this was early afternoon too.In general there seems less people around now than I have ever seen( or not seen) before…

If I have done my calculations correctly I’m ok on the laundry front until Monday or Tuesday when I will be in Leipzig.Staying at a hotel I was in last year and over the road is a laundrette with a bar etc.It’s very nifty.That should be my last mainland European laundry experience for this trip unless something disastrous happens and then Düsseldorf is my back up…if anyone needs a rough guide type thing on Euro Laundromats I’m yer man…

My one big problem with the German bar tab thing is as I’m British I feel honour bound to have at least two drinks on the tab and usually more.Now I realise that as problems go it’s not the worst and neither is it a very difficult one to negotiate my way out of,it’s just I think my innate Britishness won’t allow me to wig out at one drink.Let’s be honest one drink is not a tab,to be fair two drinks barely covers the description either.A tab only starts at three in my book and nothing will convince me otherwise…

Had to tell a young girl to fuck off earlier today.I went to Gesundbrunnen ( the original home of Hertha Berlin) to grab some food and was eating it on a bench by the station.Outside eating & drinking not uncommon here.There were a couple of teenage girls with a teenage lad having a bevvy about 20 yards away egging each other on in some sort of dare game.This was about 10am so they’d probably been out all night.I could see what was going on as they approached various bemused people and I saw the fella side eye me and whisper to the girl,she got up to come over so I just said loudly and very English “ Whatever you’re gonna do don’t,fuck off,I’m not in the mood” Don’t know if she understand but they got the message and also bust out laughing…but they didn’t bother me after that…

The trouble with having a bus route from pub to hotel is you have to sit down and the trouble with sitting down after a lengthy session is sleep inevitably follows…my inner guidance isn’t in the zone on this bus route yet so obviously I missed my stop by a fair few but luckily stayed awake for the return.I just hope my Zzzzzz decibels weren’t too high on the bus…inevitably woke up fully clothed on top of the bed and now I need coffee and I also want a fry up… there must be a cafe in Berlin that does English breakfast,the hunt has begun…

In a while crocodile…


Nige The Wolmon said...

Morning Gareth
Apologies for no recent comments…helping our friend Charlie view his new abode,a birthday and a bit of a family crisis have kept me busy but just done a catch-up on your blog and I’m back now !!
The bar tab malarkey is something I’ve not really ever got used to when abroad, I’m quite definitely a stand at the bar,order,wait then pay there and then true Brit, especially if you’re in a bar that takes an age to catch the waiter’s attention when it’s time to leave, then there’s the how much to tip caper. I loffed t’other day standing in my local (we have SIX boozers in walking distance from our front door, all of them thriving…we either live in an area of folk who like to pop out for a jar or two or as our visitors always comment “Nah,you just live amongst raging alcoholics !!) as a bloke exclaimed loudly that he wasn’t going to add a tip to his card payment when he was asked politely by the girl behind the bar…do people add a tip when you’re standing at the bar then carrying your own drinks to a table ?? Evidently not in a Black Country pub yet !!
Hmmm, card payments is another thing for me let alone holding your phone to a little screen …I’m still a cash bloke in a pub and the gaffer told me he’s considering returning to cash only so maybe I’m not quite the dinosaur my kids tend to think I am.
Anyroadup your guide to bars and laundry establishments around Europe sounds like a best seller to me…go for it mate !!
Take care buddy and have fun
Ps,Charlie’s new place is fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Glad Charlie is sorted.Will pay him a visit over Xmas…I don’t mind the tab thing mainly as I hate the scramble at the bar but occasionally I still pay at the counter too like I did last night at one place…with table service I pay cash anyway and always round up as a tip…