Saturday 20 July 2024

60 Days in Europe…#50 Berlin

Got my fry up a day later than expected…wasn’t looking for one but thought I’d visit a bar/restaurant I used when I stayed in Moabit a few years ago.It’s called Lichtblick  next to Birkenstrasse U-Bahn (U9).Looked at the menu and “London” stood out as a fry up…it wasn’t exactly as you’d expect but very passable.They did put some salad on it in a crafty underhanded attempt to make us Brits healthier but I soon saw through that and ignored it…I dare not as for brown sauce as I don’t think that’s a concept over here.All in all very nice,it satisfied an itch and not a jolly fake leprechaun in sight…

Went along to Bowie’s old house in Schöneberg.Not much there to be honest except a bust & plaque.I would think Bowie would hate it being too big & too much…my one slight moan is the likeness is from his Alladin Sane period before moving to Berlin whereas making it from his time here would have been more appropriate but maybe less recognisable…ah well it is what it is…

Had a nice conversation with a few middle aged ladies in the bar last night.Naturally one lived in London in the 90‘s around Clapham Common.There was four of them and they all lived on the same floor of one of big blocks you see everywhere in this city.One asked if I was French cos‘ she said when I tried some German I sounded like I was doing a bad French impression of a German! Hahaha…

Just after 6pm sitting outside Madonna Bar in Kreuzberg with a nice pint watching the world go by and it’s a beautiful day( don’t worry I’m in the shade) this is why I do this thing,Just sitting back relaxing.The weird thing is being in bars on my own in the UK I occasionally feel a bit self conscious but whilst abroad it’s never a concern…this is nearly the fifth month out of the last twelve I have spent out of the UK and apart from one or two rare occasions I have loved every minute of it and I’m so glad I took the decision to do it,if anyone else reading this is wondering if to give it a go then I’d say bloody hell yea.Sorry getting very reflective all of a sudden…anyway there’s a fella with a slight Black Country/ possibly Brummie accent and I’m bound to talk to him soon…

Turns out he was a guitar maker from Birmingham living in Berlin with his Dutch missus.Gary & Barbara( which does sound like a failed 80‘s sitcom) sound couple but we were getting more Midlands as the drinks kicked in…to be fair they were mid 70‘s and looked about 50! 

Chatted to an auld fella after G & B had left.Mostly about the old Berlin Wall.He was what they call a “Wessie”  meaning born west of the wall.Was telling me on the night he & his mates wanted to see the east so fought their way through thousands of people going the other way! Brilliant stuff…had a great night chatting…the only fly in the ointment is Wild at Heart won’t let me in as they’re sold out but the fella did say it’s far too crowded,hot & sweaty in there and to come back tomorrow when it’s gonna be much more acceptable…

In a while crocodile..,


Nige The Wolmon said...

Mornin Gareth
Bonkers ay it …standing in Austria in the middle of nowhere with my cockney pal looking over mountain tops and beautiful scenery a chap sidles up to us (why do folk feel it necessary to engage in the middle of nowhere when they see another human !) “It’s a beltin view ay it”…an Austrian out on a stroll ?? Nah, Kevin from Kidderminster… you couldn’t make it up lol. On another occasion whilst working ‘on the black’ (charming phrase but that’s how it was expressed back then) in Amsterdam as a crane slinger (fookin hard graft !!) the crane driver was was Walsall … I say, bonkers !
We’re going to do India in the winter again, we did 3 months when we first retired and now our faithful Mr Biggles the bulldog is no longer with us it’s a chance to escape the blasted UK winter, I did a blog last time but it was a handwritten jobbie in a notebook…I might follow your path next year and go all digital !
Have fun mar mate…

Anonymous said...

Yea go for it mate…was sitting close to the fella and could hear slight traces of a familiar accent so thought “I gotta ask” and we spent the next two hours yakking away like old mates.I love it!