Wednesday 24 July 2024

60 Days in Europe…#54 Leipzig…

Was asked a question today by my friend Sue about if I was getting homesick and yes a bit of me is but now I’m sitting in a beautiful arcade at a cafe called Mephisto where Goethe was inspired to write Faust in the Bier Keller next door and I’m thinking “ nah fuck it,this is the life” ( sorry Sue)

One thing Leipzig has a lot of are linked arcades,old fashioned,ornate arcades.Very beautiful and very photogenic.For any older Wufrunian readers they’re reminiscent of the two Victorian arcades we had in Wolverhampton that mysteriously burned down just as planning permission was being discussed for the Mander Centre.Unaccountable fires are not uncommon in Wolverhampton when the preservation of historical important buildings is in discussion higher up the food chain…

My hotel is run by Vietnamese.Been there before and it’s very good,a little away from the city but right next to a tram stop so all good.My only problem is the name’s Merseburger Hof and every time I think of it’s name I get “Paul Merson’s Burger Yard” not only have I never seen the great man but his burgers have never appeared in the yard either…all that aside it’s a decent place.There was a pop up bar over the road last time.A sort of squatters bar but it looks like it’s gone legit now as it has a proper name outside…sadly the laundry bar over the road has closed but I have located one two tram stops away so that’s the early morning call as I’m wearing my last clean t-shirt…

Young lad next to me got caught with no ticket on the tram last night.He tried to English his way out of it by being all apologetic etc( he was English) but they were having none of it and fined him €80…being a bit of a dick I went full English too when mine was checked so he clearly heard me…here’s the thing.He got on the stop before the guards,saw them and tried to get off but by then the tram had started again and he got clobbered so he knew the score…he tried to say the machine wasn’t working but that didn’t wash and why should it? I have my ticket until 6pm tonight but have already bought another one as it’s not timed from purchase but by validation so it’s just about forward planning or paying up when caught…getting on my moral high horse there for a bit…

Leipzig is very tram heavy and it’s a great way to get around.Some call it the “ New Berlin “ but personally I think that’s only because it’s relatively close.The vibe is totally different to my eyes.There’s plenty of bars in the City Centre of course but the outskirts has a lot less going on.There are cafe bars but they’re a bit more hidden,this seems to be partly due to logistics as their pavements are as narrow as ours in many parts so it’s just impossible to get benches & seating areas together.Shame as I’m sure many would if they could…in saying all that it’s a fine place with lots to offer a visitor…

I was saying earlier that i might be a wee bit homesick but not too much,which is a fair assessment I think but i am slowing it down a bit,especially since a good few late nights on the bounce in Berlin.My head sometimes says I’m 25 but the rest of me usually gives it a sharp reminder who the boss is…also it teemed down with rain and I have muthaflipping laundry very early tomorrow…not all fun & games…

In a while crocodile…


Nige The Wolfmon said...

Morning Gareth
I’ve only ever been nailed once for not having a ticket, my fault and I held my hands up and took the fine. We were rushing to get on a train in Bruges and didn’t have tickets, “we’ll pay the conductor on the train it’ll be alright”…wrong !! A while after that a lass next to us on a journey to somewhere in Belgium (can’t remember where as I type) was in a state as we got on, she didn’t have a ticket, in the time honoured gentlemanly way I got her one. She sat with us and regaled her travel story, she was nice and I do remember she had a Ruts badge on her jacket,as did I, we bought her drinks on the journey and all felt good about ourselves that was until we all went our separate ways and Alan realised he’d lost his camera, bag included, it had all the reels of film from our travels, he was really upset. As we sat in a bar outside the station I saw the Ruts girl, yep she had Al’s camera bag on her shoulder. Al went mental, and stormed after her,with bag retrieved we laughed but I think that’s when our trust in fellow travellers dipped…sad really but hey ho !! I’ve never bought a stranger a ticket since lol
Your blog tales never fail to be a source of reminiscence Gareth…love it !!
Have fun mate

Anonymous said...

Hard to ignore a pretty woman with a sob story and a Ruts badge…