Monday 1 July 2024

60 Days in Europe…#31 Paris…

This might well be a blow by blow account of my long train journey from Genoa to Paris.If it is sorry in advance…

Got to the station for the 5-22 train which doesn’t exist so the next one is at 6-07,which I’m sitting on now waiting to depart.A few chatty workmen & women dotted about for the docks down the line.Already had a couple of people scrounging a smoke and a couple of lads wanting to know where to buy tickets…itching for a coffee I tried the platform vending machine.Normally vending machine coffee is pretty rank but this was fine,or would have been if I hadn’t misjudged the sugar and put way too much in.At least I got a bit of a sugar rush at 5-30am…

Looked at the train times and got time for a proper coffee in Ventimiglia,then it’s just over an hour to Nice ,hopefully get a reservation seat ticket for the Paris leg(doubtful) and get into Gare du Lyon about 6pm.Luckily my hotel is in Menilmontant which is pretty close…

Nothing of note on the Genoa to Ventimiglia route.Stopped off everywhere,in the early part it was clubbers who’d been out to neighbourhood costal towns.Badly dressed boy gangsters and their barely dressed girlfriends…later on it was regular Joe Public…

It’s a nice run though along the coast from Genoa towards France.In general it sticks to the coast,at times being only feet away from the sea.You pass through plenty of heavily industrial areas which as you know warms my jets and then it’s the seaside towns,some posh,you know where locals wear their sailing club sweatshirts like capes,and some not so posh,where locals don’t have sailing club sweatshirts but if they did they’d wear them normally like normal people…if you do have a sweatshirt you may want to wear on the train as they crank up the air conditioning…

First thing I come across at Ventimiglia station is a 45yr old fella(ish) shouting out rap lyrics.There was a lot of “muthaflippers” going down…cafe over the road is still open thankfully…Like all border towns Ventimiglia has a slight identity crisis.It’s still obviously Italian but the cafe is mainlining brioche…sat on the train now waiting for the off,could have got an earlier one but that was only 5 mins after pulling in and I have no mind to be rushed…it’s a double decker too.

When on the train you know you’ve passed the French border as there’s a certain je ne sais quoi,a certain oh la la,a certain…nah EE told me,and about all the great roaming charges…

Welcome to Nice! And you’re welcome  to Nice.Last year it was my nemesis and this year it’s my nemesis +.So my nemesissisisis…thought I would rock up and take the fine on the train but they’ve changed the rules( The French and their silly little rules eh?)you now can’t even get on without a reservation.Asked the woman where I could get one.The shop at the end of the concourse but it doesn’t open till 12-15 she said with a smile.I was trying to get on the 12-03…ok try to keep cool.Only two “For fuck’s sakes” left my lips.There’s always the next train via Marseille in just over an hour…

Still with me? Went to get the ticket,that train is full.No can do.There’s one seat left on the last train that gets into Gare du Lyon at just past 11pm.No choice but to accept.The train means a change at Marseille,another change at Lyon then hopefully into Paris…oh and check in closes at 11pm.(have messaged the hotel,no response yet) So my long 11 hour trip has now been extended by 6 hours with no guarantee of a bed for tonight…thanks Nice,oh and thanks for making me €20 lighter.So far…
But you know it’s all part of the game,as I was coming out of getting my ticket I passed a young lass in a wheelchair breathing through a pipe and just thought “perspective Gareth,perspective “

However two valuable lessons learnt.1) avoid Nice like the plague as a changeover station.It really is horrible and not suitable for the traffic it gets..I will keep away from now on.2) Nah that’s it…

Anyway enough moaning.I wanted adventure even if it’s controlled toa large degree,should know by now things don’t always go as planned and occasionally embrace the chaos…if I don’t get a reply from the hotel I’ll turn up and see then if I can’t get in I’ll play it by ear…so for now I’m sitting on this packed train to Marseille losing myself in a bit of Ren’s music trying not to think…

Part 2 tomorrow.And the laundry? Yea that can wait…

In a while crocodile…

Good news is the hotel has replied and they will be open.Didn’t really wanna be down & out in Paris despite my previous bravado…

Not finished yet,train to Lyon was late so missed my connecting train to Paris and had to find the ticket office which is hard to locate in Lyon.Not an easy station to navigate.Managed to find it and now on train to Paris.It’s just after 10pm and I should have been there at 6…I’ll be honest this has totally disheartened me and I will probably give the blog a miss for a couple of days to get my head straight so if you don’t hear from me don’t worry…apart from all the dicking around with the trains( I mean it would have been 18 hours + by the time I get my head down) it also means I have missed half a day checking out the local area of Paris where I’m staying…

Sorry for being so down,I normally like to throw in a few jokes here and there but tonight I’m really not in the mood.I can’t fake it,you lot would suss that straight away.

Anyway this is definitely goodnight and I’m sure I’ll be fine once I’ve processed what today has been about…

Hello again! It’s now morning.I have had a sleep and looked at my ramblings ,especially the last bits and debated with myself about deleting anything and decided I won’t.That was how I was feeling at that particular time…the head’s in a far better place now.


Anonymous said...

Nige The Wolmon

Anonymous said...

Stupid reCAPCHA malarkey !!!
Anyroadup, sounds like quite a journey Gareth but as you say all part of ‘the experience’ …and if your words were how you felt than so be it.
I hope Paris is on it’s best behaviour for you, I have to admit it’s not my favourite city, got arrested (no charges though thankfully) for being in the wrong place at the wrong time once and ended up in a nasty fight with a pickpocket chancer…let’s just say he picked on the wrong guy that evening (massive lesson learned, never have I travelled with a rucksack on my back since) …hey ho mate !!
Even way back it was very expensive and although I wouldn’t have missed all the tick box site seeing it was too busy-busy every time I ever went there for me… having said all of that I did visit there as a tourist, as opposed to a traveller with Annie and we had a great time so any and every city can throw a curveball I guess.
I had cataract surgery last week and although recovering slowly I’ve felt a bit crappy the last few days, hence no replies !!
Have fun mar mate

Nige The Wolfmon said...

Another ‘anonymous’ moment…I give up lol

Anonymous said...

Don’t worry I know it’s you! I’m still anonymous on my own replies! Anyway hope the eye surgery is a success.Good luck with that.I like Paris but have done many of the tourist hotspots years ago so don’t feel the need…obviously I’m always aware of potential thieves but that’s true of anywhere with loads of vulnerable tourists.Luckily I don’t look like I have anything worth robbing!

Nige The Wolfmon said...

Haha…look out for Captain Sensible as he’s there apparently…he'll be amongst the other 3 million folk wandering around !! Just remembered …We did find an area in south Paris that we went back to many times …court de miracles ?? (If that’s the correct spelling) lots of very trendy squats,actually saw Sham 69 there without their idiotic skinhead following and they were fantastic !!
Take care mate

Anonymous said...

Have been tipped off by my mate who knows of these things that the anniversary of Jim Morrison’s death is Wednesday and there’s usually a gathering at the cemetery (which is down the road) so I’ve talced up my leather trousers in anticipation of scoring an old hippy chick…