There’s really not a lot to see from the Hamburg to Berlin train.It’s very flat and very green.Sort of like a snooker table but with the occasional horse thrown I’m sharing the sexy six seater carriage with a young couple,two bored looking teenager and a prodigious nose picker.If we go through a long dark tunnel and there’s a murder I’m guess nose picking man’s gonna cop it...But whodunnit? I’m guessing the female part of the couple as she keeps firing death stares his way...
Yay my DB phone ticket worked! There’s no reason why it shouldn’t of course but y’know old people & new technology etc...there was a tense two seconds before the machine did it’s stuff and I was close to blowing it by stuttering like Boris Johnson in the Hope of causing a distraction...oh nose picking man’s left but I think he’s only going to find juicier noses to pick.We don’t stop anywhere but Berlin Spandau & Berlin can probably tell I’m a bit bored...going trough some scary looking forest.All a bit Grimm fairy tale looking...
Got to Berlin fine.Was going to go to the temporary beer garden that was set up outside the main exit for Currywurst & a beer but it’s gone.S’pose the clue was in the word temporary...the sparrows are flinging themselves around.I always associate sparrows with this city.They’re everywhere and their chirping is omnipresent...Berlin Hauptbahnhof is a huge huge station and very easy to get intimidated by it.I’m still not fully sure where I’m going even after using it loads of times.But what do I know? I still thought the temporary beer garden would be there a year on...
I’m a. Little bit out of the way but sussed our the bus services ok...for once I found the hotel easily.I don’t take taxis if I can help it and as I’d already bought a weekly travel ticket I may as well use it.Besides when I’m half cut one night without a scooby where I am knowing a bit of the local transport layout comes in handy.
The hotel’s a bit fancy for my tastes but it works out at about £150 pw for a single’s actually a three bed dorm but I’ve been assured I’m the only one staying.Of course being Berlin it’s on the 4th floor with no lift.I may end up kipping in the stairs a few nights...but there is working Wi-fi
Not only is the Wi-fi ok but I have found their beer garden with Weißbier at €3-50 a pop...well that’s me sorted.No need to go anywhere else all week.Apart from the laundrette...
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