Monday, 19 August 2019

28 Days later...a month in Germany Day 24

Today is the first rainy day i‘ve had over here in over three‘s all a bit driech as the Scots would say,even though it’s one of the most German sounding words there is...but in general the weather‘s been great.We‘ve had flash storms.Bloody big ones but they’re great fun.Everyone loves a big thunder & lightning fest...

So i‘m writing this under cover in a closed beer garden and luckily they‘ve left the big covers up over night.The boss man just opened up and said we don’t open for an hour ( I actually don’t want a drink yet!) When I explained what I was doing he was fine about it...once it’s stopped i‘ll pop into the hbf for some breakfast.Want to see Union Berlin‘s debut in Bundesliga later on...If i were to support another team they‘d be it( i won’t of course) been to a couple of their games over the last few years and it’s a good crack.They‘re playing the hated RB Leipzig at home in what is a bit of a local derby too.I imagine everyone will be supporting them... 

The place I went to last night seems the best bet.An American type barn thing with lots of sports on lots of tv‘s.Actually thought i‘d pulled too! A very attractive woman kept looking over and,well,y‘know...turns out there was a screen about ten yards behind me and she was stealing glances at the Gladbach v Schalke game (0-0 pretty drab) but  sod it i‘m chalking it up anyway!
Looks like the rain‘s stopped so better be on my way of they‘ll start bringing me bier...

It’s an odd thing this Sunday closing in Germany.Now i‘m sure the small towns and villages are different and it’s total lockdown but the bigger cities it’s anything 11-30 am I was in the glorified shopping centre that is Hannover hbf and it was like the Bull I don’t know if most Germans are in favour of the current status quo but there certainly seems to be an appetite for Sunday shopping.I suppose this way they have it both ways...

Found my way into the Alt Stadt and it’s very quaint like They all are.No idea how much is original & how much rebuilt in the old style(which Germany does very well) There’s also a mini Reeperbahn next door which frankly makes Reeperbahn look like Mayfair... very tacky whereas Reeperbahn has its tongue firmly in its cheek(oerrr missus) this place looks downright nasty & possibly pretty dangerous too.

Earlier on I was having a sit down & smoke and two old locals were by me shooting the breeze and I heard one say the one German word us smartarses love...“Schadenfreude „“ i have Never heard it uttered in a conversation between Germans before and I admit I thought it was one of those foreign words never used in it’s local tongue but slipped in by Brits when they want to look like clever dicks(like me!) 
Anyway auf Wiedersehen (something else i‘ve never heard a German utter)

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