Sunday 11 August 2019

28 Days later...a month in Germany day 16

Last day in Berlin,off to Dresden tomorrow morning...looking forward to it as i‘ve never been there.But it is well known as a bit of a right wing enclave so probably best if I keep my head down in certain bars around town.We‘ll see...I had similar concerns about Leipzig last year and never came across any unpleasantness.

Not sure what to do today.The Premiership starts in England and I know a few pubs will have all the games on but as Wolves don’t play till tomorrow my interest isn’t as acute today as it normally would doubt I will end up in Belushie‘s at some point...

Came out of Bar 11 last night and walking past Wild at Heart the fella i‘d been talking to the previous night was outside and called me over to give me a German punk vinyl LP...bloody hell he didn’t have to do anything like that.I was a bit taken aback by his generosity...truth is i‘m not a big fan of hardcore German punk but our drunken conversation must have convinced him I was.As luck would have I know someone who laps this stuff up.Now all I have to do is hawk it round Germany for two more weeks then get it back to the UK safely...not sure I will but i‘ll try my best!

Decided to take a trip to Tempelhof  the former military airfield.Been there before and it‘s history is fascinating.There‘s not a lot there except massive space and a couple of runways.It‘s mostly used by joggers,cyclists,picnicking and ,what I saw today,impromptu cricket...I bet the developers would love to get their greedy mits on this prime spot but I think so far All advances have been See it properly I really need to hire a bike as these little legs can’t do that kind of walking in this stifling heat.I‘m sweating up now just sinking a beer!

I remember reading somewhere that Berlin Wolves meet up for televised games around By Tempelhof so checked it out and it‘s an Irish bar a few stops away on the U-Bahn then a short walk.The bar‘s shut at the moment but it’s good to know for future reference.There‘s sure to be times when i‘m here with Wolves games on the telly...the bar opposite ain’t bad either and it has free WiFi...

I have tried learning German on line and yes,I have learnt a fair bit,but only really how to say certain phrases rather than being able to engage in conversation.Essentially i‘m learning on the hoof and that’s fine.If I know one more thing than I knew yesterday then i‘m happy...I do try to order everything in German even if I have to slip in an English word when stuck.However it’s occurred to me that even though in my head it’s passable in reality I Probably sound like a really bad Herr Flick impressionist from „“Allo Allo“ Well it’s either that or spend four weeks pointing at stuff saying „“Me want“

I suppose it’s all about attitude in the end...if you don’t even attempt the basics you come over as a bit of a twat really.I have heard so many Brits here just basically pointing at stuff doing the „“me want“ thing and it’s fucking embarrassing frankly...also because i‘m a return visitor I always „“stimmt so“ which is a tip to your server.Very big over here and very important too especially if you want decent service next time.

Sorry, got a bit reflective there...sitting next to a bunch of Brits acting up and i‘m cringing.Moved to the Irish bar used by Berlin Wolves.German landlord unusually.Cool fella and a St Pauli fan.Fucked off two blokes looking for some rugby on the telly...seems a good little bar.Think i‘d come again if Wolves were playing or not.

Train to Dresden tomorrow then so goodnight all...

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