Tuesday 6 August 2019

28 days later...a month in Germany.Day 11

6-25am and i‘m sitting in a laundrette in Hochmeisterplatz.Nobody likes to take time out of their holiday to do these chores but needs must and best to get them out of the way as early as possible.I had to get help in getting the powder from a fella who didn’t speak English(what a disgrace!) because these things are complicated and could confuse a stupid person...

I’m in a bind what to do today...there’s loads of things to see by me including an abandoned Cold War spy facility which has just been left open for anyone to dick around in but also England didn’t lose any wickets last night and have given us hope that they could grab a victory from the jaws of a defeat.So do I play out some 60’s spy fantasy or get pissed surrounded by Aussie backpackers watching England cricket team turn our hope into reality,or not...I suppose I have all week to check out the spy area whereas how often do any of us get to see England collapse to 213 all out from 167-1 ?

Well I bit the bullet and ended up in Belushies Rosa Luxemburg Platz.I know I know but I couldn’t resist especially now I’m all pine fresh...did a bit of tourist stuff first around Potsdammer Platz where I was ascoted by one of those deaf school scams...the girl kept insisting but I kept saying “nein” eventually I had to firmly tell her to fuck off which she seemed to understand perfectly well...it’s a big city and you’re gonna get these sort of scams...Damn.First wicket down.

If  I’m not getting breakfast at the hotel I’m staying at,like here, I normally grab a few things from REWE—which incidentally is a great supermarket,good quality and cheap.Much better than either Lidl or Aldi in my opinion.Sacralige I know—today I got one of those pre packed egg salad things for €1 + some fruit...oh and the salad thing has a sachet of killer yogurt in it too( becoming my catnip) but anyway,found a spot,opened up and no fork to eat it.Bollocks.Clearly there’s a reason it’s cheap!  Fuck it though I still managed to get through it with some Boy Scout initiative and ripped cardboard.Next time I get one I’m a) making sure there’s a plastic fork and b) keeping the damn fork.

Talking of eating.,,there’s definitely a street drinking & eating culture here.Not Just Berlin but Germany in general.Certainly it’s not frowned upon at all or seen as only vagrants & piss heads engage in.Maybe it’s because nearly every street in any given city has pavement bars & cafes so people are used to eating outside...very little mess too as there are bins everywhere and no excuse for us smokers to stub our tabs out on the street either as all the bins have ashtrays attached.

Currently at Spittlefield’s Market...sorry Spittlemarkt.There must be an Anglo Saxon thing going on there.Loads of Police on the U-Bahn.Not sure if anything’s going down or if their boss got tired of them playing cards and ordered them to get their arses out on show...talking of which I have not had my weekly ticket checked yet and I paid good money to put it on my phone and feel smug.Been on every conceivable public transport mode today too!Last time here it was checked  about ten times in a week...I also want to apologise to Berlin for being a tourist travelling on public transport during rush hour.I know how much Londoners justifiably hate it so sorry about that...

That’s all for tonight so Tschüss und bis Bald.

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