Friday, 9 August 2019

28 Days later...a month in Germany.Day14

Half way through then...feels shorter yet longer too if that makes any sense.I don’t want to be counting the days off though.Just enjoy it for what it is... 

Still in Berlin and still getting hopelessly lost.Sometimes I can find my way around but other times,like today,I end up god knows where...I was heading for The Tiergarten which i have Never been to even though this is my fourth time in Berlin.But I was still a bit sleepy from last night( got home on the bus fine though!) saw „“Tier“ on the U-Bahn sign and Bob‘s your uncle...or rather he is‘nt.No bugger told me there‘s a Tier Park too...what‘s the hell‘s wrong with you people? A bit of help here please.

Turn‘s our Tier Park‘s quite a way out but opposite the U-Bahn is a tram stop and having seen one to Köpenick,which I know is in the south east where Union Berlin play,naturally my thinking was the other platform will take me back to the city.It did‘nt.I ended up way out of my ticket zone in the Far East of Berlin.Luckily no inspectors today! I did realise pretty quickly but thought sod it, let’s see where it takes me...

I don’t even know where I was but it was clearly the former GDR.Lots of brutalist tower blocks which looked very well kept.A few shops and not much else.I don’t know how much money has been spent on these areas but it doesn’t seem like much.The place looked ok in a non threatening sort of way but there was just nothing there except a tram stop out...of course when I say I was lost that’s a falsehood.Being lost is getting dumped in the Amazon rain forest with no food not somewhere with a tram stop.

Don‘t expect i‘ll be able to watch any of the Wolves game tonight so looks like keeping up via twitter.That‘s always fun as many of you are well aware...I could try Belushie‘s but it‘ll be full of young folk doing young folk things...I doubt Wolves playing in Armenia is high on their agenda.

Cycling then...After seeing that woman cycling whilst blowing her nose i thought I’d pop something down.As everyone probably knows cycling‘s massive here.The infrastructure‘s in place already and there appears to be a mutual respect between cyclist,drivers and predestrians .We don’t have that in the UK yet and doubt we ever will.Everyone seems to be at war but it’s not like that here...most of the cyclists I see are dressed in their normal gear.Not a lot of Lycra on show.When I ride into work most of the other cyclists I see are clad in all the Tour de France gear and many of them are middle aged men.It‘s not a good look if you’re over forty five with associated stomach spread...don’t see many wearing helmets either.I suppose they feel safe enough not to.

Just popped into Belushie‘s and Quelle surprise they’re not showing the fact they seemed to have trouble getting their heads around what the hell i was talking about(no the staff are‘nt German) „“is it a Premiership game?“   I think at that moment I knew the game was up...did also feel weird ordering in English as opposed to my go to Deutschlish...

Well I eventually got a Currywurst as you may have seen from the pic posted elsewhere.It‘s good but one‘s enough especially at €7-50 for what is essentially one sausage & chips! Cashing in on the cliche I s‘pose.Far be it from me to get arsey about tourists being ripped off as I live in London.King of the tourist rip off...

Must admit yesterday was getting all a bit bleugh.Not much happening at all but then got to Madonna‘s ,had a few whilst keeping up with Wolves great 4-0 win in Armenia then decided to pop into Wild at Heart next’s always nice to be remembered,especially by those you admire so I was chuffed when the landlady remembered me and we had a great chat.Also had a great chat with a fella named Chris who told me some good tales of old Berlin...

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