Thursday, 1 August 2019

28 Days later...a month in Germany.Day 6

Hamburg seems to have that rain,sun,rain,sun thing going on,even more so than Britain...just made a bit of a dick of myself in a bakery.I pointed at two lovely looking ham & cheese salad rolls and said in faultless(to my ears ) German
“Kann ich bitte haben zwei Schanzen „“ not sure why the girl looked both confused and amused as it clearly said „“Schanzen „“ in front of the rolls however it turns out that’s the name of the bakery...anyway to cut a long story short i‘m now the proud owner of two Hamburg bakeries and I intend to make sweeping changes too...Luckily i‘m not bothered about making an arse of myself and anyway it gives the poor downtrodden workers in the shop something to laugh about during the next coffee break...Which of course I will ban once the paper work goes through.Hard but fair...

They really need to work on their wifi in St‘s terrible.Were I a conspiracy theorist i‘d say as it’s a predominantly leftist area the powers that be have deliberately restricted it to inhibit communications but that wouldn’t be the case would it?

Currently i‘m doing that thing I rail against in British bars and having a coffee...I know i‘m a hypocrite but what you gonna do eh? The old woman opposite is putting me to shame by sinking two groß Biers in very little time...talking of old woman...on the train to Cologne on Saturday two very well dressed ladies,probably mid seventies or so,got on at Aachen  about noon swigging from big bottles of beer.This is nothing unusual here but I know in Britain many would be clucking like old mother hens at such Wantoness...

I have been out to look at the Rathaus cos‘ you know that’s what you gotta do.It‘s very impressive of course but in truth they all look pretty much of a muchness in Germany so i‘m back in St Pauli,which,once you get away from the madness of Reeperbahn is a nice area but just with a bit more graffiti than normal...think i‘ll pop down the docks this afternoon.I could get used to this sedentary lifestyle.

No Fisch Markt Open today.It only opens on Sunday’s..Been there before and it’s ok as markets go.Still pretty packed though but it’s missing some salty old sea dogs playing sea shantys‘ on accordians.I have the beard but none of the other items...I wouldn’t even know how to go about buying a dancing monkey...

Another storm arrived but I saw it coming and nipped into a bar...even made a terrible quip to a fella sitting by me...“wir trocken und trinken“ ok it‘s probably not grammatically correct and also more Susan Boyle than Frankie Boyle but he chuckled ( more out of pity than mirth I suspect) but i‘m proud of my what with owning two bakeries i‘m now on the comedy circuit...

The good thing about Hamburg summer rainfalls is they don‘t seem to last.They come up the river.Drop what they have to then are replaced by sunshine...

So walking through a bookshop to get an S-Bahn platform is weird no?  I wasn’t sure if I was obliged to buy .a book or not...there’s definitely a marketing ploy there for the new high speed train to Brum.

More tomorrow peeps.

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