It‘s another glorious day by the looks of it.Hot hot hot...a perfect day for bumming around down by the river and maybe a few bars if i‘m feeling adventurous.The lifestyle here certainly lends itself to arsing around all day.I‘m surprised they ever get anything done never mind be one of the world‘s industrial power houses...
I think the bank holiday stag parties are starting to arrive.There‘s a few groups of Brit lads dotted about in the riverside bars...Düsseldorf seems to have become a preferred destination in Germany along with Berlin,Hamburg & Munich.It‘s probably as sunny as Spain and i‘d say the beer‘s better too...will no doubt see loads of them bouncing around the Alt Stadt tonight.I bet a few have tickets for the game tomorrow aswell...
Mind you it’s not all sweetness & light.Just seen the latest cricket score...Jesus. However that’s offset by what Wolves are doing so Swings & roundabouts ‘an all that.
If you take London & South East out of the equation then the prices in Germany are probably on a par with the rest of the UK... beer prices are generally the same with a few exceptions.Even in the so called poorer east of the country they’re pretty similar to elsewhere.The food in the shops is a similar price and eating out seems to be too.Obviously there’s always little differences but also there’s good bargains to be had...smokes are a hell of a lot cheaper. I’d say if you’ve never been here then it’s an ideal place to come even for a short break.It’s clean,friendly,relatively cheap,efficient and the weather’s pretty reliable too.What’s not to like? Oh and the beer & food are pretty damn good too! (I think that’s enough hyperbole to satisfy the German tourist board)
If I had one gripe about Germany it’s their it’s patchy at best and it doesn’t half eat your data allowance up and of course whenever Brexit happens that’s a sure thing that’s gonna go awol...think we’ll get charged right royally for data useage...
Would I move here? Probably not especially as things are set to change drastically once Brexit happens.If I was thirty and had the chance then I wouldn’t hesitate but to be honest at my age and the way things are it would be foolish in the extreme.Besides being on holiday isn’t the same thing.I get to arse around all day being in great bars etc. Real life’s a bit different...anyway once I retire in a few years( or a few decades if the Tories get their way) I’ll be able to visit whenever I want or feel the need to get away from the UK...tell you what if I had moved I woul’nt work in a cafe bar.Jeez these men/women put in a shift even Mick McCarthy could only dream of...
As you can gather I quite like the country and will continue to come here as much as able.I still haven’t been to many places down south by the Alps yet or big city’s like Stuttgart or Frankfurt so there’s scope to see a lot more or do.I may limit the travelling now and spend nine/ten days in Berlin,Hamburg & Düsseldorf ( my three favourite German cities with Bremen running them close) each time. We’ll see...
Weird the last time I was in Düsseldorf I just couldn’t work out the geography of the Alt Stadt yet when I first came down here on Tuesday afternoon it all clicked into place.Basically I found Auberge‘s without a hitch whereas last time it was always guesswork...Ray Mears! Ray Mears! Can you hear me? Bear Gryles your boys took a hell of a beating...
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