Which of course brings me onto Zimmer frames naturally.I had this discussion with Rikky in Hamburg,cos‘ we covered all the big issues... over here it’s common to see the elderly & infirm with Zimmer frames around town but they’re souped up.They have wheels,a seat and a baggage area.They‘ve really pimped them up.Whereas in Britain it‘s just the basic frame that has to be lifted with every step.It looks like the poor sods are trying to dry hump a giant tortoise...i‘m also pretty sure they’re a German invention too as „“Zimmer „“ means room so that ties in... as ours are no doubt cheaper that’s the option we went for rather than comfort & a bit of dignity...
Just seen an odd thing.Four police vans with lights & sirens going at full blast waited at the lights! First of all I thought they‘d parked up and was expecting to see baton wielding plod pile out of the vans.But no,lights changed and they sped off at mindboggling thirty miles per hour
Well it took a while but i‘ve found a bar I really like in Dresden.Turns out to be two minute walk from the hotel...was getting a bit disheartened by the place but finding a bar i‘m comfortable in makes a big difference...one thing I have noticed about the city is that English is not as wildly used as elsewhere i‘ve been to in Germany.This is a good thing of course but also can be confusing...but fuck it I still managed to get my pint of Schwarzbier without too much drama...the Schwarzbier is bloody lovely.They have a locally brewed brown ale too but i‘m not brave enough to try that.Maybe tomorrow...
The other day when I mentioned the horror on a the faces of those who witnessed my epic snoring, well multiple that look by a hundred when Just now an extended Irish family of about twenty five Just pitched up snarling & swearing at each other.There were a lot more guests around too...I have a horrible feeling they may be on my floor...well they are on my floor and possibly already causing mayhem cos‘ when I went for my early morning smoke after a shower the police rocked up talking to a few residents & hotel workers.I may hang around today to see what happens...obviously don’t know what occurred last night and it may well be a separate incident all together.The police have gone after two hours.This has been your crime correspondent telling you jack shit from behind the twitching curtain...
Last day in Dresden.Got an early train out to Hannover.Somewhere else i‘ve never been to and know little about.Apparently they had a thriving music scene in the 80‘s but then in the 80‘s I had a flat stomach & active sex life so it counts for nothing...only one way to find out.
Dresden is ok.Two whole days will probably do you i‘d think.Unlike Prague,which was largely untouched physically by World War Two,Dresden got quite a battering and even though many of the Baroque Hapsburgesque buildings have been restored they had to build modern around them so it’s an odd looking combo...from what i‘ve seen it appears to be a well to do city.Certainly not as poor as i‘d imagined but I only really did the City Centre and never the suburbs so i May have a distorted view in that respect...well worth a visit though and everything is within walking distance,though the tram system is excellent and pretty easy to suss out...
Just learnt from the smiley waitress that „“sparrows“ in Deutsche is „“Spatzen“ not that i‘m getting obsessed by the little feckers or nothing...
Until tomorrow dudes and dudesses...
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