So the St Pauli Eck is a very accommodating bar.Very basic and very friendly.I ended up sat at the bar chatting to the locals and we even had that conversation,you know the one...the one that should never be spoken of with Germans.The Second World War is Never a gambit i‘d start a conversation up with a German unless they bring it up first,which this fella did and then I was happy to oblige...anyway after many beers & shots we agreed it was a bad thing all in all...sorted.
At one stage the night looked like it might get ugly when a fella said „“Your Boris Johnson I like him...“ the look on my face must have been a picture cos‘ he quickly added „“no,not really,he’s a dick“
Had a quick look round the outside of St Pauli‘s ground.Never realised it was so close to Reeperbahn and there’s also a massive fairground next door to it called The Dom.I don’t know if Fosun have any plans to incorporate a sex mile & fairground next to Molineux but it would make the Matchday experience (as they like to call it) an...well,experience.
Of course it’s well known The Beatles were Reeperbahn‘s resident band in the early 60‘s and,well how can I put this delicately,well i‘m sure the lads put it about it...I can‘t help but look at people in their mid fifties and wonder.Have not yet seen anyone with a striking resemblance to John,Paul,George and,God have mercy on their soul,Ringo but there must be a few middle aged illegitimate mop tops walking the streets of Hamburg...
Anyway I will have some company tomorrow afternoon.A woman I know from Twitter lives here but travels to Wolves occasionally and seems to have a big network of pals there.Don‘t know the how‘s,why‘s & whatfore‘s of the story behind it but sure i‘ll find out.It‘ll be cool to meet up and have a good drink & natter...
In a bar on Reeperbahn and a Scouse stag party has just rocked up and to be honest I can’t hack it so going down the bar I was in last night...cheaper too which always helps in these decisions.
One of the Scouse fellas just nudged me on the arm and put his thumbs up a la Jack Hayward saying „“ all right mate?“ I couldn’t let on so just put my thumbs up with „“ ya sehr gut“ call me a snob but I just couldn’t be arsed getting into a conversation...he was friendly enough but things might be different eight hours down the road...
Good to hear some German tunes on the juke box.I have no idea who‘s playing but they’re very rocky so that’s ok.I suppose I should be looking for a bar showing the Wolves game but frankly it‘s a hopeless cause.I will bid you all ciao ciao
Ciao ciao
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