Been walking a fair bit in Germany and just worked out on my phone app that i‘ve chalked up about 106 miles since July 27th.I know these things can’t be deadly accurate and I have not always had the phone in my pocket but that’s a fair amount I think...with all that walking I should be Keith Richards thin but of course that’s offset by hours spent in bars...
Had a look round the back of the hotel and there‘s a busy main drag.Looks like a mostly Turkish area(the Hoteliers are Turks) so it pays to have a hunt around locally rather than just heading for the city centre all the time.May spend some time there after the football...I never usually bother with the telly in the hotel rooms,they’re all in bloody German for a start,but was messing around last night and came across the Bayern v Hertha opening Bundesliga game(2-2) Not a scooby which Channel or how to get back to it though...I also found their version of Ceefax too!
I think i‘ve miscalculated ( no not the laundrette,that’s still good) The heading to these blogs is 28 Days Later,obviously a reference to that great film.Well they should have named it 29 and Half Days Later as that‘s how long i‘m here...s‘pose I could have come up with a snazzier title but I think we all know that was never gonna happen...I may sue for emotional trauma.
Right that’s me sorted.I have discovered the REWE salad of those build your own salad etc.It‘s a thing of wonder with the added bonus of an automated hatch to the selections that snaps shut after a few minutes like a crocodile‘s jaw on a wilderbeest‘s leg.I nearly lost a couple of fingers but it‘s worth the risk!
As I said before many of Germany‘s Hauptbahnhof‘s are glorified shopping arcades.Hannover is by far the Shoppingest shopping arcade I have seen in this category.Trains really are secondary at this station.Just been a load of Köln Fans on Their way to Wolfsburg on the opening day of Bundesliga in the station bar.Did‘nt seem that excited considering they‘ve just come up.Classic yo-yo club.
Well I lasted till 2-10 before hitting the bar...very restrained I thought.Chatting to a German’s a weird world.
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