Sunday 9 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#10 Koblenz—Innsbruck.

Last day in Koblenz.Off to Innsbruck tomorrow morning for a bit of a ball breaking train journey of just under eight hours,changing at Munich East and somewhere in Austria that I can’t remember the name of right now but it’ll come to me sometime tomorrow…

Of course I have to mention it’s Sunday today and as is customary on here I have to speak of the German Sunday.I can’t remember when our traditional Sunday gave up the ghost in the UK to become just another day but I’m guessing it was sometime in the mid 80’s,probably about the same time pubs were granted proper opening hours rather than the restricted ones we used to have.People would be up in arms if that was repealed right now…rather than being up in arms about the government poisoning our water supply etc…

Anyway to be honest the German Sunday has no affect on me as I rarely shop except for life’s essentials like Ham/cheese bröchen booze & smokes.Those things are always gettable from somewhere…the only difference I notice is Sunday service public transport & more locals enjoying their cafe style alfreso free time…alles gut.

Koblenz is a nice place though,not too big but big enough.The locals seem chilled and it’s got a good combo of modern & historical too.The Aldtstat is funky but not too Disney…if you like rivers then this is the place for you with two of the great European rivers,Rhine & Mosel,meeting up.Of course with two rivers comes plenty of waterside cafe/bars which are always cool in a way non river based cafe/bars aren’t.

I’m not sure how many tourists the place gets.Because of the rivers they cater for loads of river cruise type things.I think many elder tourists go up and down the Rhine & Mosel for a week or so dropping off at a new venue daily.As for you youngsters? Don’t ask me,I’m an old bugger…

Looking at my itinerary I have put all the places I have never visited before in the first block with the last block being tried,tested & either want to see more of or just plain loved filling up the back end of the trip.As I said I’m off to Innsbruck tomorrow and yes I have been before but as a nipper with my mom & sister so I was’nt au fait with where to get the best bier and cheapest smokes…and it was only for a day.
One thing I am now doing differently to my last trip is taking my time starting the day.I was the eager beaver before,usually leaving the hotel before 8am only to wonder why nowhere began their day before noon and consequently peaking too soon.Now I’m having long lay ins,Christ I was in bed until 10am today like a moody angst filled emo teenager…never too old to learn.

Had a slight turn today though having a smoke and a woman,who I later discovered was the landlady,asked for my key.Turned out she thought I was checking out! I really thought I had done something unspeakably bad and was being turfed out for a moment.Needless to say we sorted it out…

It normally takes me about a day and a half to work out the local transport in any given city but because I dicked around here it’s been a bit longer.Finally sorted out my bus stop,got on and immediately as I showed my ticket the driver harrummped and got out the cab.I obviously thought “ oh fuck what have I done?” But nah,he stepped out for a smoke,along with three passengers! Welcome to Germany where having a tab takes presidence over everything…

Laters alligators…

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