Saturday 8 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#9 Koblenz…

1pm having a Weißbier down by the Rhine at Deutches Eck where the Rhine & Mosel meet.It’s hot & sunny and the various pop up Bier garten down here have attracted a shed load of people…including me.

Where I am staying is a block with four rooms and a shared communal area including kitchen,bathroom & relaxing area.Got up this morning and immediately walked in on a girl in the bathroom.Don’t worry we were both fully clothed and thankfully she was only touching up her make up…got chatting later and she’s Polish living in Berlin visiting a mate.Nice woman,we had a good chat…

Thought I’d fly the colours today in the guise of a Wolves training top.“training for what? A heart attack?“ no advertising naturally,just the Wolf head.As soon as I went outside a lad having a smoke in the yard looked and said “Wolves” turns out he’s Slovenian working in the area and living in the same place.So the mystery of the “hotel” is it’s that with a few longish term dwellers.Everyone I have seen has been early twenties so I’m the weird auld fella residing on the top floor…anyway another nice chat and it turns out he prefers basketball to football.It’s a big Balkan thing apparently…

Coffee in the REWE cafe where the girl laughed at my accent.I don’t mind,all good fun & all that…and successfully downloaded a three day bus ticket then hoped to god it worked…it did thankfully but I’m alway wary of the bus thing.If you’re on a train and the app fails it doesn’t matter cos’ no one is being held up,the train’s still moving and all it’s just a mild embarrassment plus gives other passengers a bit of a sideshow.With a bus I’m aware of holding up those going about their day and get a bit self conscious.All terribly British…

Got into town and bumped into a mini festival down by the Rathaus.Seemed to be local school musicians doing their thang.What I heard was pretty good…then took a stroll down to the river where I am now.Things are always better when the sun shines…Will check out the cable car over the river after my drink.Hopefully not too expensive otherwise I’ll have to swim over…checked it out.You know it’s pricey when there’s an atm next to the ticket office.Sorry but the views will have wait…

Fancied a bite to eat by the river,nice looking Italian place,happy smiling waitress hands me a menu then with disarming glee informs me the kitchen is closed (3-20pm Saturday go figure) she was so pleasant it was almost as if she was doing me an enormous favour…oh well wine it is then.Will find something up town…

Laters alligators..,

Ps( big ps) ended up back in the Bier Garten with a belly full of Currywurst,a few more drinks then got the bus back to the Hauptbahnhof to get another bus to the hotel via my new local.Popped into the shop at the hbf and got a “ Wolverhampton “ off someone who frankly looked deranged so gave him a body swerve but acknowledged the recognition…my bus was in an hour( in many ways it’s a small town) so decided on a taxi to the Germania Eck.Taxi driver mentioned Wolves as soon as I got it.Turkish with friends in Hackney naturally…

Germania was closed and just my luck there was a fella who recognised me and motioned to go to the pub next door with him and what followed was an excruciating half hour in each other’s company.It was terrible and one I think neither of us want repeating…got back to hotel,Slovenian fella was outside.He said he was leaving in the morning.I reminded him he said he was here for two years and he said his boss had organised a new place 5km up the road and he needed to be there asap…

An interesting day…ciao!

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