Thursday 6 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#6 Wuppertal—Koblenz

Off to Koblenz later which is about halfway down the glorious Rhine Gorge.Never been there before only through it.As it’s only a 90 minute ride from here and there’s loads of trains to choose from I’m taking my time today…

Because of the nature of the Interrail ticket I’m using I will be staying in certain places longer than is really necessary.For instance six days in Wuppertal is needlessly long,six days is fine for Paris,Berlin or anywhere sizeable but not really for smaller cities.Saying that it’s a fine place with the one main attraction which I have banged on about a fair bit…as I said in an earlier blog I have a high boredom threshold so it’s not really that much of an issue and Wuppertal is good.It’s friendly without being cloying about it.A German trait I’ve found everywhere in the country.They don’t feel the need to pander to the whims of the tourist and more power to them I say…

I very nearly got (wrongly) done for fare evasion last night too.Inspectors got on the Schwebebahn and I had bought a 24 hour ticket on my phone but couldn’t find it,panicked as they approached me and bought another but they saw what I was doing and were debating whether to charge me or not.I explained and one took my phone and pressed the correct button saying I had just over an hour left of my original ticket…stupid old English person confounded by technology.At least I have my ticket for today albeit a bit overpriced!

They did cart off a fella sitting by me though.No messing about,frogmarched off at the next stop and slapped with a €60 fine…don’t fare evade people.

Funny how quickly the outstanding becomes mundane is’nt it? The Schwebebahn is,by any stretch of the imagination an amazing feat of engineering and also looks damned cool and yet after a short few days of using it I don’t even look out of the window…same with Eurostar,entering the tunnel under the English Channel is now more of a “meh” instead of a “ bloody hell wow!” Humans are weird…

Not sure the cold I complained about getting a few days ago is actually a cold.It might be mild hay fever.I have never suffered from it before but the last few years have gotten more sneezy as the summer approaches…and today looks like the brightest one of the trip so far and as I’m moving down south maybe soon I can give the cotton buds I call my legs an airing…

Bought a packet of smokes yesterday and got a free lighter.This wasn’t some promotional device in an upbeat shop with music blaring but a bog standard kiosk on the edge of town(was literally at the last stop of The Schwebebahn) to be fair it was nothing fancy,looks like those the junkies flogged at ten for a quid in Wolves town centre that blow your hand off on first using…hey it was free so winning…

Said goodbye to my local last night.There were tears,hugs,backslaps,phone numbers exchanged etc…nah sorry to break the romance but it was me saying to the landlord “ well this is my last time here,been nice knowing you,I’m off tomorrow “ the reply was basically “ oh ok…goodbye “ it was emotional…

Gonna find a cafe and down a few Americanos before making my way down to the Disneyesque Rhine Gorge to where the Rhine meets the Mosel.It’s wine country down there so I could be going all sophisticated for a while…

Laters alligators…

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