Wednesday 12 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#12 Innsbruck…

I do this thing on my first day in a new city.I take a trip to the mainline station to be familiar with the route when it’s time to leave just Incase of hold ups.Call it anal  retentive or call it attention to detail.Call it what you will it doesn’t matter,it’s what I do…

A rainy start today so got to the Hauptbahnhof and mooched around before going for a coffee in the station bar,this was about 10-30am and obviously I had stumbled into Innsbruck’s version of Wetherspoons.Plenty of folk in there looked & sounded like they were a good few pints in…these were all weather beaten men of the mountains.All men of a vintage best described as chronically decrepit.Thought I had walked into an Appalachian theme park with cow bells replacing banjos.The coffee was good though.Damn good…mind you I could be pulling an all nighter there if I don’t get digs sorted on the 13th!

Walking round Innsbruck and it can be easy to forget you’re in the Tyrol.Office block,shopping centre,Georgian schloss,office block,oh look a huge fuck off mountain! It’s a wee bit disconcerting at times…the city seems pretty well off.I mean they have a building with a gold roof and nobody has been up and stripped it.Imagine that in Wolverhampton?

There’s a fair few international tour groups knocking about too.Where I’m currently having a drink( by the gold roof ) they’re relaying the cobble stones with a fella cutting them as they go.Noisy & dusty as hell and it’s good fun watching the tour guides in a losing battle with the stone grinder…

I love maps,will gladly spend hours perusing them even one’s of places I know like Wolverhampton and I get a bit of a thrill entering a hotel and they have one of those tear off ones at reception and yet I don’t think I have ever looked at one.Must have about 25 of them at home.It’s an odd thing and no mistake…

This place has a very young clientele.There’s a university over the road but I doubt it’s a hall of residence or anything like that.Must be a coincidence.Does seem quite a sporty motif going on,mostly cycling,hang gliding that kind of stuff…

Oh I can feel my first laundry date coming up soon.Checked out the local ones and the nearest is just over the river Inn about 5 mins walk away…I am not in desperate need especially as we haven’t had many hot days so things are not too stinky just yet.Most of my t-shirts pass the very scientific sniff test but much like public toilets it’s best to use them when the opportunity arises…

It’s pissing down.I’m a bit knackered from walking all day,the hotel bar is quiet and the beer’s about €4 a pop so I may as well stop here…

Went into the Altstadt today and it’s pretty good.Most of them are tourist traps naturally and sometimes come over as pretty cheap & nasty but Innsbruck’s is quite classy.They have loads of tiny independent shops and cafe bars.I did see a Starbucks & Maccy D’s but they were hidden away and their signage was discrete,dare I say even subtle.Well played Innsbruck…

Laters Alligators…


Andy Groom said...

Enjoying the blog mate, looking forward to more. Hope your enjoying the trip.

Anonymous said...

Thanks.Having a great time,off to your favourite neck of the woods on Friday…starting off in Vicenza then Bologna,La Spezia & Genoa.

Anonymous said...

I love Genoa in particular, all good cities to visit though.