Friday 28 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#28 Genoa…

After the slight kerfuffle with the hotel I popped out for a bevvy.I’m in an area of Genoa I know from last year so things were very familiar…first place they made me pay upfront,which is rare but it’s close to the station so maybe they’ve had runners(incidentally don’t do that,it’s a twat’s trick) there were a lot of Brits there too…took a stroll down to the docks where there’s some waterside bars,on the way are some sexy narrow side streets with artisan cafes & dodginess inter mingled…

I was only gonna have a quick(ish) pint but the bar had the arse end of the Ukraine v Belgium game on and I thought I’ve missed too much of the Euros already and Pedro Neto was starting for Portugal next game in what is bound to be an exciting free role to fully exploit his speed & skill.Can’t wait…ah well the football was shocking,apart from Georgia who were superb.Martinez decided he didn’t want to utilise Neto’s talents and played him as a shackled wing back with no space to use in front of him.Martinez clearly hails from the same Sunday school football thinking as Southgate…oh and Ronaldo is now a parody of his former greatness.A sort of Ken doll propping up the bar scrounging drinks for anecdotes…

Anyway good drink,enjoyed the football in a perverse way then decided to get the bus home…last bus,caught it before but had forgotten where I got off and for some reason thought the bus would double back and drop me outside the digs.It didn’t…ah well long walk home,luckily I sort of knew where I was and luckily it was downhill…

Been to Genoa Brignole station to try to sort out Sunday’s reservations to Paris but as I thought they couldn’t help as it’s only the French bit demanding them and it’s a different jurisdiction.This happened before at Nice(my change to Paris) it was mayhem and I ended up with a fine.I fully expect the same outcome.That’s life as the French say…

Saw the same number bus as last night so decided to catch it wondering where it went.Doing a bit of a tour and spotted a tiny bistro,fancied lunch and got off.It’s up in the hills above the city naturally,only the other side of town.The place has what The Guardian would describe as a certain rustic charm and of course the food was excellent…I so don’t want to descend into the Italian cliche of the Chef’s kiss followed by “ Bellissimo!” But then again I really do…

Genoa is huge.I wasn’t even aware how big until I latched onto that bus earlier.It goes in a circle so roams all over the shop and apart from width & depth there’s also the height too.A truely mega place and it looks nuts and cool too…if you’re ever here and want a good look around at cheapest prices get the 36 from outside Genova Brignole and you’ll not only get a unique sight seeing experience but also an insight into Italian bus driving techniques…

Laters alligators…

As I walked through the port side earlier some lads playing football and I got two touches(more than Kane the other night) one a deft control & flick with my right,the other a first time pass with my left.Been in Italy 13 days and I’m practically Andrea Pirlo so if you’re reading this WWFC I’m ready & waiting for the call…

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