Sunday 16 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#16 Vicenza…

After trying to sort out the bus routes to some,but not total,success I managed to find myself to the centre of Vicenza…the travel app doesn’t do QR codes,it’s just got that red line across the middle which I don’t like at all.Also you can only buy individual tickets rather than daily or three days ones.Proof that Vicenza is not really a tourist town as such…I still don’t know where the bus is to get me back to the hotel but I’ll work something out at sometime…

Not sure why Vicenza isn’t a tourist hotspot as every corner turned is like a historic jump in time.Absolutely fascinating with beautiful squares packed to the brim with medieval buildings.I can see that it has much competition close by,most notably Venice,Verona,Trieste and also Florence.But it’s not any of the worse for that.There are tourists of course but they seem to be guided tours of fellow Italians rather than entire cruise ships of Americans.I didn’t do any research on the place but maybe it holds a significance in Italian history…sort of gone off Wikipedia research after it informed me Gyles Brandreth was born in Wuppertal.That sort of stuff can scar a man for life…

There’s certainly something about Italian cities in the north that appeals to me aesthetically.I think they were largely spared any damage in WW2 so remain very much as they’ve been for hundreds of years to a certain extent…it’s very easy just to wander around marvelling at the exquisite architecture of these medieval cities.It’s even easier to sit yourself down in a piazza for three or four hours watching the world go by with a steady supply of cold drinks.An easy lifestyle to embrace…I should however maybe cut down on my early morning coffee consumption.Look it’s generally €1-50 for the best coffee you’re ever gonna taste whilst sitting in surroundings that would fit perfectly in a 60’s black & white film.All you need is Audrey Hepburn on your arm & Anita Ekberg frolicking in a nearby fountain and the fantasy is complete…As many of you know having listened to me bang on long enough Germany is my favourite country but Italy is running it close and could overtake it soon…

I did well to get away with it so far but now I have a bit of sun following me I’ve also attracted some mosquitoes too.The bites aren’t too bad so far.On the arms & hands but there’s a belter on my “Doris” foot which has swollen a bit…the irony. I have  anti septic cream but hopefully the shops are open in town later and I can grab something a bit more potent…

I need to get into the station anyway to get my seat reservation for Bologna in a few days.This is my one bugbear with Italian trains.They rake in this money for no good reason.Half the time the trains are nowhere near full capacity and you’re shelling out €15 + on each seat reservation…

Because I couldn’t find my bus last night I walked back to the hotel.It was fine if a little hot and right next to the hotel is a bridge which rises steeply and there’s no choice but to walk it.Challenging but I did it twice today..anyway the local was closed so found another bar and it was ok,not great,but I did find the bus stop into town,I think,really not sure as they’re badly marked or I’m being a bit thick.Gonna check them out later and see which it is…

Laters alligators…

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