Wednesday 26 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#26 La Spezia—Genoa

Last day in La Spezia and despite the weather,or maybe because of the bad weather,it’s been pretty cool.Once again I have come across some good people willing to chat and also equally willing to take the piss out of my appalling attempts at Italian…tomorrow is the start of the second half of the trip which is solely to places I have been to before so know relatively well.Sort of…

Nearly got mowed over coming out of the digs by a very determined Chinese walking party.Those buggers weren’t letting up steam for anyone! At one one point I thought I’d have to join their throng just to make headway down the street.Started to think “well this is my life now,continually walking the world with fifty elderly Chinese “ These walking parties are almost cult like in their single minded devotion to walking around European cities…

I had the local transport app all locked & loaded but never needed it as it’s a very walkable city ( just ask the Chinese) even though it’s a fair size for a city of under 100,000 people I have found it fine to stroll around.Granted I haven’t been up in the surrounding hills where I would have used it but hey…

Apart from the assorted dock jobs I have no idea what the local industry is.There are two fairly big cruise ships parked up at the moment so obviously tourism plays a big roll in creating income but it’s not immediately apparent as there doesn’t appear to be much in the way of tourist traps,just your bog standard shops & cafe bars,which all seem to do decent business…

There’s also a fair few people who live in,or close to,the city centre which is something I feel depressed down at heel cities like Wolverhampton should encourage more.Get more locals into the centre,create a buzz about the place.It would encourage more to come in and start spending money there again.You keep everyone in the suburbs and the centre dies,the centre dies and eventually the suburbs die too.That’s something that should be looked at in my layman’s opinion…

Sitting in a cafe earlier having a coffee and got chatting to a Nigerian fella flogging tat.He was asking how long it would take to get to London by car and when i said two days he was incredulous.I tried to explain about sleeping etc but he wasn’t having it.Later in the convo he wanted to know about house prices etc but again was incredulous with what I told him.He’s gonna have to flog a lot of outsized plastic sun glasses that light up but I didn’t tell him that…

Like yesterday the daytime rain has buggered off and the early evening is glorious (look I’m British I’m allowed to bang on about the weather) They’re setting up tented stalls all along the street where I’m drinking for a wine festival this coming weekend.Shame I won’t be here but them’s the breaks…

Genoa is only about 100 miles north of here so a nice easy trip.All my Italian train journeys have been relatively short but I do have some arse numbing trips coming up.Genoa to Paris is probably gonna be close to a ten hour job so I’m saving what little energy I have for those.All part of the fun…is what I keep telling myself.Besides gotta have something to write about.I know you all love a good horror journey and in a perverse way I do too…

Ended up on my last day in the “ local” and had a good chat with Erica the sexy barmaid,who,guess what? Lived in London for a while,Canada Water to be exact.Didn’t like it because of the noise & rain.Couldn’t argue about the noise but had to pull her up about the rain as it’s done nothing but here the last three days.She had no argument of course.Anyway all nice & happy etc and on to the next “ local” hopefully…

Laters alligators…

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