Friday 21 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#21 Bologna…

Laundry done,but as with most things this easy there were slight complications…got to reception and asked for powder.Fella didn’t even charge.Nice one.Found the laundry room with two machines & two driers,One machine in use so filled other one but couldn’t find the coin slot so popped back to reception to be told one machine & dryer were on coin & the other’s were on an app but it wasn’t very reliable.I get the feeling he’s had loads of complaints and used that as a caveat…

Waited but other user didn’t empty their machine when finished and there we no baskets to hoik their washing out but then a voice behind me asked “ Kommst du aus Dusseldörf?“ It was a nice German woman from Dusseldörf and she asked cos‘ I was wearing a top with the name of a bar she knew there…anyway pleasantries were swooped ( she’s interrailing too) and crucially she helped me download & use the app(the modern world eh) which turned out extremely easy to use.So there we go,laundry sorted.It’s not quite a Bill Bryson story I grant you but my beard‘s better so there…

Walking home last night and it’s obvious that Bologna’s a hip young town full of beautiful people.Mind you at my age that could apply to Bognor Regis just as much…so if you’re hip,young,sexy and in control of your bowl movements you should probably give it a go.Like every European city I have been to there’s a very active street life day & night…just having a wine then off to visit the little bar I was in last night with the eccentric but lovable landlord Cheech( or Chong maybe) 

I like the Italians,find them very much like us,quick witted and not deadly serious about everything.Of course they’re generally dressed much smarter and look better with natural tans, not our orange tanning bed version and if I were a young fella I might even be consumed with jealousy,especially as they make it look so effortless.That’s the thing with cool,if you’re trying too hard you ain’t it…all that being said their spatial awareness is borderline psychotic.The amount of people I have nearly walked into today owing to their erratic meandering is astounding.Thank god I don’t drive…

Just found out today that the hotel bar also has a telly and will no doubt have tonight’s Italy v Spain game on.I will miss the England game as I will be round Cheech‘s place but gonna get back for the big one.Think most of the staff are Italian so may aswell join them in the bar…disappointingly the dive bar is closed but found a cool one I passed last night…

There is a thing I noticed.Vicenza had plenty of Italian flags up but I can’t recall seeing one here.Now Bologna’s pretty left wing,has been for years.Indeed they even suffered an horrendous terrorist bomb attack on the main train station  by fascists in the 80‘s killing over eighty people so they have good reason to be suspicious of populist flag waving bravado…I‘m not suggest the left don’t like football cos‘ we do, but our nationalist flag waving usually takes a back seat at these times as many countries flags have been hijacked by the right wing…sorry went a bit adrift there.

So back to normal.Still in the same bar having a great conversation with a German Swiss couple.A bit light hearted stuff etc maybe about an hour and when they left the waiter came over and informed me they’d payed my bar bill…patronising bastards! Nah it was really sweet of them.Gonna finish up and head back to the hotel with a spring in my step…

Laters alligators…

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