Monday 17 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#17 Vicenza…

Walked to town.Bus too complicated and it’s about a mile & half in great weather.Obviously exercise is good and I want to be patronised by the Apple step counter…thought I’d do a chore and get my reservation ticket.The perfect time except when I got to the station about 75% of todays trains had been cancelled and there were many agitated people queuing up at the ticket office…tomorrow it is then.

Looked at the forecast and it’s hot hot hot for the foreseeable future.I used to be a bit Northern European about the hot weather.Didn’t mind it but only in small doses,now I’m getting to enjoy it,certainly better for my health that’s for sure…my forearms are even beginning to look more Mediterranean but my legs are still Giffard goth chick…will have to improve my wardrobe though.Never gonna pass as anything but Yamyam in these jumble sale outfits…I also need to sweat less in the extreme heat ( which is why I need to stop for a drink on numerous occasions.Honest guv) 

There are a few pigeons hanging around this little cafe in the market square and like nearly every pigeon I have seen anywhere in Europe most,if not all, have two feet available to them.That might seem a strange observation but in That There London I’d say half are missing a foot.Is it a disease? Or maybe they’re just not as aware that traffic exists as their European cousins…it’s perplexing and will worry me for about five minutes…

Made a wee bit of a language faut pas in the cafe earlier when asking for a black coffee.I normally ask for Americano as it safely covers all bases but for some reason I asked for “Caffe Negro” Luckily there was only another three people in there and after a few side eyed glances it was quickly established that  I knew no better as I was English and not a bitey Uruguay player…anyway got corrected.Even though I knew my mistake already i couldn’t be arsed telling them that but from now on I will make sure it’s “Caffe Nero” I say…

Walked back to the hotel but kept to the shaded areas.Getting pretty good at this Sun lark…thought I’d pop back into the station to see about my ticket and it’s exactly the same as this morning.If anything there’s more trains cancelled.Gotta feel sorry for the staff,clearly not their fault but I bet they’ve taken some hammer today! Poor bastards…

Once again bar at the end of the road is shut(must be a midweek thing) so back in this dodgy estate place called Loss Bar.Run by Chinese by the looks of it but with a very mixed clientele.There’s a bank of fruit machines down one side,one toilet with no seat for the whole bar and a side bar serving noodles…I say dodgy but they’ve been ok with me so y’know, image can be deceptive…

As for the football? Well not seen a ball kicked yet.Only found two pubs round here and one’s been closed for the last two days and the other is…well I don’t know but doesn’t appear very footballish…maybe I’ll have better luck in Bologna…

Layers alligators…

Ps Just got an electric shock as i tried to put money in the vending machine.Not too bad but it’s a good way to keep me off the Kit Kats…

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