Tuesday 25 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#25 La Spezia…

It’s a rainy day in La Spezia and  that means,dodge rain,coffee,dodge rain,coffee,dodge rain,coffee,dodge rain,oh is that the time? Beer,and so on and so on…

Yesterday the rain came in from the coast but today it’s rolling in down from the mountains so it’s much more rainy…

Before the rains came I took a stroll to the station to check out the train to Genoa in a few days.Luckily no seat reservation required on the service I’m on.Half of them do but I have time and it’s a short journey so naturally chose one free of restrictions…just down the road I noticed about five walking tours all going to the station,each one about fifty strong(basically a coach load) it puzzled me but getting there I realised they’re all off up the coast to various photo friendly small towns hugging the shoreline,It was rammed…the price being paid for being influencer instagram photogenic…

Now I’m on instergam and the like so can appreciate a good pic etc,although I tend to try to find an awful dad joke pun where I can so it’s nothing too serious.But like Ponte Vecchio in Florence how much more can these places take? I am also aware that despite railing against such things I’m also part of the problem and the ultimate hypocritical arsehole…it probably wasn’t too long ago that these towns in the Cinque Terre were quietly plodding along with barely a care in the world then travel shows,broadsheet newspapers and dickish travelers writing blogs started telling the world about these wonderful unspoilt parts of Europe that you simply have to visit darling and the world duly took note and visited and the dye was cast…we are very much in danger of destroying the places of rare beauty in our quest for instagram clout.The modern world sucks sometimes…no doubt I will be trying to self consciously take some pics of these places out of the train window.Hopefully catch some influencers in the wild…

Anyway enough of that stuff let’s talk Italian toilets…there’s nothing wrong with them per se.They’re clean and very usable apart from the occasional hole in the ground type arrangement you find,which is ok for a bloke if you get my drift…however every cafe/bar I have been to,and there’s been a few,there’s only ever been one,that’s one toilet,not one male one female,just the loan bog in the whole place and I don’t know why.Are Italians better at bladder control? Now a lot of females reading this will no doubt say “welcome to our world pal” but that’s not the point( it might be but I don’t have an adequate answer to that) I just find it all a bit odd…

Was going to watch the Italian game last night at an Irish bar I found,although it was very unIrish really,anyway had a few drinks & some great ravioli but there was still hours to go till kick off(9pm here) so thought I would have a few hours kip and return later,think you probably know what’s coming…woke up at 11pm.A bit later there were a few car horns but it was all a bit subdued as if like the true English fans the Italian fans know they’re not very good and are squeaking along on their arse…in England’s case we have the talent but a dullard in control who is so scared of losing a game he won’t let go of the reins an allow the players to play…in Italy’s case it seems to to a dearth of talent in this generation.Which is horrible to watch.I am used to Italian teams being horribly nasty & cynical with supremely talented players,now the talent seems to have gone..,

Laters alligators…

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