Friday 14 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#14 Innsbruck—Vicenza

Last day in Innsbruck and currently having a pint in the railway bar where the mountain men hang out.There’s a good few Scottish fans in here on their way to Munich,which is a couple of hours train ride from here…

Checked out,did laundry,not checked in to new hotel yet but it’s only up the road so having a leisurely drink before hand…decided to check out Google maps to find a laundromat by the station and it’s round the corner.I have become somewhat au fait with European laundromats these last couple of years but they’re never quite what they seem.In this one you couldn’t buy powder( but coffee no problem) so had to nip down the shops.Also the machine’s complicated me but got help from local old woman and later on local Russian old woman…think I lost a sock but that’s life.All fresh for Italy tomorrow…

Dossing about by the river in the same little bar where the drunk fella was yesterday.It’s over the bridge from the Altstadt so not too touristy…anyway had a good chat with the barmaid.Born in Cologne with an Irish brogue when she spoke English.Chatted for a bit and when I mentioned Hackney it was “ Oh Jesus I lived in Stokey ( Stoke Newington) for twelve years,I’m sure I remember you from The George” ( she doesn’t but we had a good crack) It’s a big world but not always…you know you’re talking to a real Hackneyite when local bus routes are discussed with passion…

Checked in earlier.The place looks less like a hotel than anything I have ever seen,even when standing in reception I had to ask…room’s very plush though and it’s a shame to only have the one night there.It’s also next to the Hauptbahnhof which is handy as I have another long trip ahead including three changes,but I will be going through the mountains so good views accompanying dodgy pics from train windows no doubt…

Ended up in a bit of a drinking session with the bassist & drummer of the lounge lizard Muzak trio.The keyboardist bailed out…when I originally sat down a fella asked me to move as the band were setting up so I scooted to the next table.Turns out the drummer was also one of the barmen and kept his kit back at the bar,which was handy…anyway it felt rude to leave even if their sound was the kind that if you heard it in a lift you’d get out and walk up the twenty floors…truly terrible but they were clearly good musicians just trying to earn a crust…

Once they’d finished their set they joined me at the table.The bass player was local,probably close to my age and had even played with Joe Cocker a few times so clearly had some credibility.He was a sound bloke.The drummer was from El Salvador but had lived here a couple of decades.When I jokingly said he looked like he wanted to break out and go full “ John Bonham” at times he smiled,stood up and showed me his leg tattoo of Zep’s four symbols…we were set for the rest of the night talking all things rock and of course I couldn’t fail to mention that both Plant & Bonham were from the same part of the UK as myself thereby giving me some undeserved kudos…it was a good finish to a good day.

Now I’m having a coffee waiting for my train.The first one takes me to Brenner.I presume it’s the Brenner of the Pass fame.We will find out…thanks Innsbruck it’s been better than I expected.

Laters alligators…

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