Monday 24 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#24 La Spezia…

The hotel arrangement is like this.The pizza restaurant is where you check in and out and they then escort you to whichever building you’re staying in as it seems they have places all around the city.At first I thought I was in their hotel but it appears they have a floor in a handsome townhouse that’s otherwise occupied by local residents.I can see that being a problem sometimes.Like a super Airbnb.Luckily I’m as quiet as a church mouse but if you get rowdy buggers for a week I’m guessing it can be hell…

The breakfast is part of the booking and it’s in the pizza place.To be honest it looks a bit shitty from the outside but get past that and it’s pretty cool.I was surprised by how many people were there having breakfast which is why I figured they have rooms all over the city…the breakfast was of course very basic.They ain’t gonna pull out the stops really and the coffee was without a doubt the worst I have had in Italy,which is of course a very high bar so it was still ok.I have just been spoiled this last week or so…

The good thing about strolling around the docks is you can see the rain coming in and plan accordingly.Just as it hit i hit the dockside bar.One of those pre fab buildings that doubles up as a bar,tobacconists,souvenir shop and no doubt everything in between…the dock is pretty big and has practically every vessel imaginable.Containers,big cruise ships( but not huge like in Venice,just village sized rather than small town sized) Working fishing boats,small yachts,big posh, but not super international Russian oligarchy yachts where politicians from western countries go to receive their orders for the coming year and of course war ships of the Italian navy.The warships are docked a little bit away from the rest of them of course…

Talking of football,until recently La Spezia were in Serie A.Indeed they spent the last three seasons there suffering relegation last season after previously being a solid Serie B outfit for a decade or so.I mention this because it’s not got the feel of a football city but it clearly is.The place isn’t small but it’s not exactly Portsmouth either.It would be like Truro City being in the Premier league…another thing is I imagined I’d be watching wall to wall Euros in Italian bars surrounded by excited locals but that’s not been the case.I think the reason is any other time I have watched a game on telly in Europe I have sort out the obligatory Irish bar in any given city and I haven’t done that this time…maybe I should.

Just about to cross the road in a small side street and a fella stopped his car as soon as he went past and jumped out I thought “ oh fuck, what’s this?” Bounded up to me obviously speaking Italian.As soon as he realised I had no idea what he was saying he laughed and asked where the dockside was as he needed to find a restaurant! Haha .Bloke badly needed some fish…luckily for him I knew where the docks were…when someone jumps out of a car towards you it’s a worry though…

May have found my local anyway.On the same street but at the other end,It has nothing to do with the very sexy and very pleasant barmaid honest…and yes I’m aware I’m a sad auld fucker and she’s on the clock and paid to be nice etc but it cheers me up occasionally…anyway that being said I was’nt adverse to a bit of flirting with the older ladies when I was a young snake hipped waiter so where’s the harm? As long as both parties know where the line is it’s all good clean fun…

Got home last night after a long day doing a whole lot of nothing and the lift wasn’t responding.For some reason i instinctively knew the door had been left open on the 4th floor.The hotel room floor…the thing with these fantastic old lifts is you have to physically open & close the doors otherwise they don’t work and all those that live here are acutely aware of that whereas many tourists are not.Anyway got to the 4th,sure enough the door had been left open…these are big floors by the way,it nearly killed me but my apple step counter was doing cartwheels of delight…

Laters alligators…

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