Friday 7 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#8 Koblenz…

I have been banging these out first thing in the morning even before my first coffee,even before my first smoke! As there’s no hard & fast rule apart from those I impose on myself which,like New Year’s resolutions,are not worth a fig..I’m sitting in the Germania Eck at 8-20pm writing this…

I found infrastructure this morning.Much like Freiburg last year it was there I just wasn’t looking in the right place.Took a different path today and sure enough found a REWE( my favourite German supermarket) and bus stops and later on realised the bar I’m in now is on the same road.Things is looking up…my only fly in the ointment was the local transport app.I hadn’t realised I had already downloaded one and as I discovered later it bears no resemblance to this other one I downloaded today but that turns out to be an app for the €49 across the board monthly German rail ticket( I’m not eligible by the way) asked the REWE deli girls and they said try The Hauptbahnhof,I did that and the fella said pay on the bus…eventually got on a bus to ask for a 3 day ticket and he didn’t take cash,of course I had no cards with me…what a palaver! 

Sod it,I thought I’d sort it out later…took a stroll round town in the blistering weather,shorts on and everything, ended up walking by the Rhine then remembered this is were the Mosel & Rhine combine.It’s striking the two shades of water has a distinct edge.Anyway it’s all very impressive especially as pop up Bier garten appeared round the corner.Had a nice bevvy…this will be common place I presume when the Euros begin…

Germany v Greece is just about to start on the telly…ok here’s the thing.I was originally gonna stay in Germany for a month whilst the Euros is on but for one thing it’s too pricey and also after thinking about it I don’t want any association with some of the sizeable minority who will fuck around like complete idiots.There’s a reason why the German’s have had to issue a statement saying those singing the “Dambusters” song will be arrested,especially as the games are all in the Ruhr valley…many of those taking part are just too stupid to know better,having a laugh innit? But there are a good few who are serious and know exactly what they’re doing.These are the types of fuckers that go to Dachau or Belsen and do the one armed salute in front of the gates…these cunts know exactly what they’re doing…I know the good England fans outweigh the bad but there are enough shitheads hanging on to sully it for everyone.I’ll be watching it in Italy & France and return to Germany when it’s almost over…incidentally German street furniture is usually hard  & heavy wooden chairs that numb the arse after 30 minutes not the plastic crap our brave foot soldiers are used to chucking.Don’t think our boys have trained enough…esp v Serbia.

Ho hum.Sorry about that,just needed to vent…going to close now but will probably update in the morning…

Back again! It’s a beautiful day again and I’m happy to say I am starting to get some decent Zzzzzzz’s in.Usually at home when I go for my old man trip to the toilet I end up putting the kettle on and messing about on a you tube rabbit hole and that doesn’t help at all.Here there are no such distractions so I just tootle off back to bed…I could watch you tube on my phone of course but I’m an idiot not a bloody psychopath…

Laters alligators…


Nige The Wolfmon said...

We like the three dots Gareth, you are one of only a few (along with myself) who include it within text…I sometimes inadvertently use four dots as well lol
Anyroadup,enjoying my morning read of your blog…great stuff mate and as I said last time it transports me back to my days travelling swathes of Europe

Anonymous said...

Cheers bud.I appreciate the feedback…