Wednesday 2 August 2023

Bilious Blog…Around Europe in 80 days.#2

Oh bugger.Just finished a whole blog and deleted it by mistake…damn.

It was brilliant too,some of my best work honest guv.I discussed the weather & traffic.Riveting stuff I’m sure you’ll agree.Ok the weather thing was dull I’ll grant you.We have had some.That’s it.But the traffic boggled my mind last night sitting outside a cafe bar.If you took footage from a drone and speeded it up it would probably make sense but from ground level it looked like mayhem.There doesn’t appear to be any rules and yet everyone understood what the rules where…

Was gonna do touristy stuff today but stuff it,I can’t be arsed.To be honest I have seen much of it already on screen and yes that sounds trite & ignorant but what view would I get of the Mona Lisa? It would be the back of someone’s hairy neck & a sea of phones in the air.I can get that at any Premier League ground…I much prefer dossing about in local areas to get a feel of whichever city I am in and the fact I tend to gravitate to the sleazy & dodgy areas is pure coincidence ( it’s where the cheaper hotels are M’Lord) 

I did attempt one bit of tourism.I had to go to Gare L’Est to reserve a seat for my train to Strasbourg on Friday as the whole of Paris is buggering off down south apparently and passed Chateau Rouge on the way so thought “ oh I’ll stop off there and look at Moulin Rouge “ now as any fool knows Moulin Rouge ain’t there,a fact I discovered when I researched it once I got there rather than before… but if I hadn’t have got off there I would have missed this; The escalator goes directly to the street from the platform as as we ascended like gods of the underworld there were six buxom African ladies hanging over each side trying to give us flyers advertising products black women use in their hair.I felt like a rock star and it was glorious and my new weave looks wonderful…

Talking of dodginess when i
left another metro station ( Barbes-Rouchechourt I think) lads were trying to flog hooky cigarettes.They looked like the packaging had been photo-copied a thousand times and was tied together in sellotape.At least the Balkan lads who touted iffy tabs on the Holloway Road made the packets look authentic.A very poor effort from their counterparts across the channel…

Right then.Gonna try to post this without deleting first.This could be a bit of a theme as frankly Mr Shankly I don’t have much of a scooby what I’m doing…

Until tomorrow…


Anonymous said...

What beverages & local fayre have you sampled ? Sounds like you’re settling in ….

Anonymous said...

At the moment I am drinking Pelforth but no idea if that’s local or not!

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting.x

Anonymous said...

Made me chucked. Gups

Phil said...

I think you'll find plenty of Pelforth in Strasbourg

Hellen said...

Bravo …. Liking the positive Parisian vibes