Wednesday 19 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#19 Bologna…

Easy day(ish) there was no way I was walking into town to the station with my bags in this heat and luckily on my way back from the dodgy friendly bar last night spotted a bus stop which may or may not be my salvation…gotta give it a go this morning anyway.So yea hopped on the bus,it went away from where I wanted to go but then double backed on itself and I ended up at ant bus stop opposite the station ( it’s on one of my “ reels” whatever the hell they are) sorted.. 

Didn’t need those tickets I bought.First train to Pavada which is close,sort of Wolves to Brum distance,then train to Bologna which is slightly longer than Brum to London distance…no ticket checked of course but…found hotel ok even though it was a hot uncomfortable walk.Don’t know why I had so much fuckery with the buses in Vicenza.I’m normally ok on these things but even last time Italy proved problematic…ah well.

Hotel is pretty cool albeit a bit of a trek from the station.It’s probably not really but in this soporific heat it feels like it…had a good Wolves chat to the fella’s on reception.The place is very Gold & Black so we got chatting etc,you know how it is…luckily they have a bar so had a bevvy before checking out the room.Pretty sexy in a 2001 Space odessey kinda way…then found a local bar and had my first bit of potential trouble on these solo trips…

Only person sitting outside having a smoke,fella comes in and demands a cig(sometimes I give,sometimes not,depending on politeness usually) said no and he picks up my drink and threatened to throw it at me,so I gave him a fag cos’ frankly I didn’t want the hassle but then he started getting really arsey and of course so did I…things were calming down when he reached into his back pocket and my instinct was “ fuckers got a blade and I’m gonna be Schanked here” so I banged on the bar window and luckily a few people came out for a nose…I don’t know if he did have a blade but also I didn’t want to find out…bar staff were all apologetic but I assured them it wasn’t their fault,or Bologna’s fault,of Italy’s fault.It’s the way things are,just a random head the ball you can encounter anywhere,and frankly that’s the first bit of possible hassle I’ve ever had travelling on my own…after being a bit shaken I had another drink,had another smoke and calmed down.The fella of course had fucked off.See Smoking can be bad for you…anyway I’m determined not to allow it to cloud my judgement of the place…I think because I have never had any hassle before I have become too complacent to the dangers and so not as wary as I naturally should be.Being a smoker I get approached more than most too.Just gonna be on my guard more in the future…oh and if anyone suggests I should have had a square go with the fella he was younger,bigger,probably a lot quicker and possibly mentally unstable.Not combinations that would give me confidence of a good outcome.You rarely win fights against mentally unstable…

Better news was after looking at Instagram it turns out my nephew is currently up the road (relatively) so we will hopefully be meeting up in Florence on Friday…

In one of those weird hotels where most people seem to hang around here at night.Yes we’re a little bit out of the way,but not wildly,and a few of them are old duffers like me,but most of them are mid twenties and should be out getting rat arsed.I have just had a jaunt to the outskirts of the city and it seems a pretty lively place…Look at me moaning about younger folk not getting wrecked off their face!

Managed to download Bologna’s transport app called Roger…when I asked at reception about any local transport apps they said Roger and I just thought they were taking the piss…

Anyway it’s the morning and what a surprise the sun’s shining…

Laters alligators..,


Phil G said...

Blimey! Glad it got sorted.

Anonymous said...

Yea it was ok in the end.Rare event luckily and not gonna dwell on it! Onwards & upwards!