Thursday 20 June 2024

60 Days in Europe…#20 Bologna…

There must be somewhere in this country where you turn a corner of the city centre and don’t go “bloody hell!” “Wow!” “Fucking hell that’s beautiful!”if there is an Italian version of Milton Keynes that sucks the very soul out of your living being I have yet to find it…I would normally describe such places as “Disneyesque” but that’s a very unfair description.Those Disneyesque type cities like Prague seem designed and maintained to drag money out of tourists( which is fine,a girl’s gotta make a living) but these places in Italy are just what they are and the ones I have visited these last two years aren’t even mad tourist spots…

As you can guess Bologna is very much in the mould I described above.It’s very different from Vicenza,much busier and probably more modern,say 400 years old rather than 500…there are a myriad of cloistered walkways lined with expensive looking shops and wine cafes( I am loath to call them wine bars as that is a specific English thing from the late 70’s onwards,sort of Abigail’s Party meets Rovers Return flogging warm Liefralmilch.A middle class pox) They also have those who-has-the-bigger-dick towers too,apparently twenty four of them but only two big ones stand out.Next to each other and one leaning alarmingly.The others are small but girthy( ooooh matron)

Anyhoo,worked out the local bus and used the app.Think I bought a week ticket for €8 but can’t be sure.Hopefully I don’t find out I’m wrong! Did my bit at the station by getting seat reservations for my next trip on Interrail.Learning to get that job out of the way early doors.Also got return ticket for Florence on Friday which were pretty damned expensive for a 40 minute trip,about €30 each way! Have always wanted to go but not to stay as the tourism is off the scale…when channel 4 started showing Italian football and we all thought it was sexy as fuck my favourite team were Fiorentina because Gabriel Batastuta was an icon of goalscoring and great celebrations…also my nephew is gonna be there so we can have a meet up.

Got chatting to a very nice French barmaid earlier from Lille ( “ we share the same weather!” The way to turn on an English bloke) guess what? She used to live in London.Wanstead Infact which is close to places I know well.I’d say 75% of the people I’ve chatted to on this trip have lived in London at some time or another…

Not quite another laundry day but the days are getting hotter & sweaty and my hotel has one in the basement which is very cheap.May have a go tomorrow as like station toilets use em’ when you get the chance.Incidentally the laundrette is about the same price too…

Found myself in a proper back street little bar.First thing said by the landlady “ English ? I lived on a narrow boat in Hackney for ten years” Mad aye it? The term “ Viccy Park” was used.I feel like I’m touring sexy ex pats in their natural habitat…anyway she’s buggered off and her hubby is a character.It’s a tiny bar, just one room with a few tables outside.He locked  up about half hour ago with myself and an old lady outside and indicated he was going for a couple of tokes…came back half hour later looking glassy eyed and immediately demolished two bowls of cake & cream! Hahaha…this is the kind of action I love in these places…

Blimey we have some rain.I am a long way from the hotel too as I was only going to stay here for one and I’m now on my fourth..,

Laters alligators…


Andy Groom said...

Still enjoying the blog and having a catch up tonight. Good to see Italia is growing on you, in answer to your Milton Keynes comment, avoiding Savona and Latina could keep the Disney feel going. They are both a bit grim but when I sat down and thought what towns/cities aren’t very nice in Italy as you’ve discovered, there aren’t many. Bologna - “la grassa” or the fat one - is a particular fave of the nice ones along with Turin. Keep on keepin on 😎

Anonymous said...

Cheers mate.Not been to one city I have not liked.Just arrived in Genoa and have been here before.I quite like the juxtaposition of splendour & grit…

Andy Groom said...

Genoa is just over an hour from my gaff over there (as you are aware distance is measured in time rather than km out there). Love the place and the food, dead right in your description though splendour and grit. “ La Superba” is how it’s known by some, the proud one. Enjoy mate, have a beer for me 👍🏻