Sunday 2 June 2024

60 days in Europe…Wuppertal day #2

Sunday in Germany and regular readers will know what that means.Nothing,nada,zilch….sort of.Was pondering where to go for coffee when leaving the hotel and saw a few people going into a building with automatic sliding doors which can only mean a commercial environment so I followed and sure enough I have my local cafe.It’s clearly the local hotspot too…

Journey from London was fine,luckily only spent 15 minutes in Brussels so time for a smoke then the Cologne train.That was packed but got a seat no problem.My Interrail ticket wouldn’t work when the guard came round.I think the WiFi was playing up but remembered I had a printed QR code for this part of the trip.This has happened a couple of times to me but the guards know the crack and are pretty chilled about it so no problem…Cologne to Wuppertal is a short trip so there are plenty of trains and I wanted a Currywurst from the kiosk at the back of The Hauptbahnhof but it’s gone,buggered off,disappeared.This was by far the worst part of the trip! There’s a Maccy D’s next to it but I couldn’t be arsed…

Walked into a small pro Palestine protest outside Wuppertal station.Think they were just setting up as it was very quiet.Was gonna hang around but wanted to find the hotel.Had a good idea where it was but as good as Google maps can be it’s not always 100%.However in this case all was good…a nice ride in the upside down train which does swing a fair bit and is cheaper than any Disney ride…my stop is one up from the zoo & Football Stadium,a heady mix but probably more exciting is the huge,and I’m talking behemoth here,Bayer factory that not only strides both sides of the river but also takes in three metro stops.It’s beautiful…again those that know me know I love a factory,open or closed…

When you check in to a hotel and the first thing said is “Ah there’s a problem “ you fear the worst.Turned out the en suite room I booked wasn’t available so had to share a bathroom with one more resident.I don’t mind sharing with one person really…anyway he gave me €90 in cash so I’m probably up on the deal…

I don’t know if good luck snowballs to other people but about ten minutes after getting this windfall I was in the local shop standing behind a girl of maybe 12yrs old clearly shopping for her mom,as she pulled out her money a note dropped out that she didn’t notice so I tapped her on the shoulder and it was €50! Luckily I saved her some big explanations…

Popped into town where I was approached by a happy smiley attractive woman with a Manic Pixie Dreamgirl haircut.I had no idea what she was talking about and didn’t bother to speak,just smiled & nodded as she stroked my arm.I think it was some recruitment device into a religious sex cult or something…I can empty my own bank account without needing to drink the Koolaid thank you…I have learnt to steer clear of crazy and doubly so with crazy & hot…

Laters alligators…


Nige The Wolmon said...

Yay…worro Gareth
Your good deed will be repaid in kindness from an unexpected source (I hope ��)…sounds like a good start to your journey.
Have fun mate

Anonymous said...

There was a distinct wipe of the brow followed by a “phew” and many thanks.She probably would have got pelters otherwise….