Did my laundry at 8am.These things have to be knocked out early otherwise there’s a lot of poncing around and then the bars are open and it’s a case of “ tomorrow will do then” Luckily it’s just around the corner from the hotel and the instructions were easy to follow however I couldn’t find a powder dispenser which I thought was odd so had to pop to the shop to get a box of powder which naturally I left behind for others to use.It was only on the way out I spotted the powder dispenser…ah well at least I smell all citrusy now,like a hairy lemon…
Last day in Trieste,off to Verona next,and of course it’s been great.This Blog must be getting like a broken record,I bet some of you wish I would hate at least one place just to add a bit of colour,don’t worry there’s plenty of time…
It would be easy to just describe it as a seaside town,because it is but as there’s no tide,there’s no beach so it’s not really.Just a beautiful historic city sitting on a huge body of water.I believe there is a beach of sorts about half hour away where the locals go…it’s a very touristy place,which surprised me a bit,many of the tourists seem to be from Italy.No doubt attracted to the otherworldliness of the place being nestled next to Slovenia & Croatia as it is…
I have no idea if it’s a typically Italian city,no doubt as I’m going to Verona & Genoa I’ll get more of an idea.If it is then Italy is great! I’m learning as I go the subtle differences between how countries do things,for instance if you’re in a cafe/bar in Germany or Austria the server will normally take your money whereas here you normally have to pay inside once finished.Taken me nearly three days to work that out!
Again like many places get away from the main drag by sneaking down little alley ways and you’ll find many local bars which are superb.Once again I have found them most welcoming…I’m sure they’re like this with everyone,after all I’m just a short fat bloke who can’t speak the language but I’ve not come across anything other than kindness,a willingness to engage and good humour in the six cities I have stayed in four different countries…oh shit I’m gonna cry in a minute!
I do think it helps that I try with the language,as limited as my efforts are,and usually make a lame joke about it where possible,it shows a sign of respect.It also helps that in general Italians seem to be laid back muthaflippers…oh and stylish.Man it’s a tired cliche about the Italians having style but let me say you can spend six hours getting ready,trying on your best clobber in every conceivable combo and you’d still look awkward and terribly English next to an Italian who’s wearing last nights clothes that were chucked on the floor the previous night( that would never happen by the way!) it just the way of the world…I wouldn’t even dare compete.
So Trieste? Yea come and have a look.It’s worth it.Not madly expensive.The people are cool,it looks great naturally and if you get the same weather I’ve had here( hot hot hot) you’ll be pining for the balmy 18c you left behind in Blighty…
Until tomorrow in Shakespeare country.Or summat…
Ps. It rained…about a dozen huge splats on the table.I was very British about it all,held my hand out palm up and tutted…
Side street bars are always the testicles…Most folk who ‘do Spain or Greek Islands’ on their two week hols never venture further than touristville then write trip advisor nonsense about how expensive everywhere is…loving it Gareth…fantastic stuff mate…Nige
👏👏👏 enjoying reading these
Cheers all
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