Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Bilious Blog.Around Europe in 80 days #1

This is the day the journey begins,the journey of self discovery & enlightenment,the journey to find myse…nah only messing with you,it’s a little fat bloke bumming around Europe for eighty days.I‘ll leave the self discovery for those that care about such things…

As usual St Pancras is packed but they seem to have it all well organised.I was through bag check & passport control in about five minutes.I did set off the beeper but no idea what it was.I even remembered to take the phone out my pocket this time…

First stop is Paris.Not been there for about twenty years.Last time I went via Waterloo Station which now seems as old as Stevenson‘s Rocket.Amazing how quickly we accept & adapt to new technology unthinkable a mere decade earlier…

Nearly forgot to throw out my rubbish bag this morning which would have been horrendous for my neighbours…“ god what’s that smell?“  “ think it’s coming from that devastatingly handsome and erudite man’s flat,Not seen him for a while.Maybe he’s dead” “ oh god ignore it and let someone else deal with it” At least I’ve not left the gas on as I’m all leccy…

Thought I was being a right smart arse by downloading the Paris transport app so I could buy tickets on my phone but it seems I also need a Navigo card which sounds a bit like London’s Oyster card except with a bit of a shrug ( getting the dodgy stereotypes in early) so paper it is.I’m not quite ready to pay direct from my account via the phone yet,I don’t mind using the square badly drawn chess board thingy( no idea what they’re called) but as yet that’s my limit..

Half way under the Channel at the moment,another feat of engineering excellence we take for granted…

Into Paris,a few people had a smoke on Gare du Nord station platform and I was gasping but decided not to join them as not sure how lenient the police are on such matters( I’d suggest don’t fuck around and find out) went outside and man there‘s some dodgy chaps there! Mostly touted for taxi fares but honestly would take a taxi from someone who’s a cross between Tony Saprano & Ted Bundy? 

Found the hotel ok after a bit of a detour on the metro by going the wrong way.I do it in London occasionally so it’s no big surprise.Hotel‘s fine.Nothing much just functional but it’s cheapish and breakfast is thrown in so all‘s good.Think the desk fella spent some time in the UK cos he told me Garibaldi is a bit  “dodgy” I came through there and it seemed fine.The hotel’s address Is Montmare but I think it’s the council estate bit that the rest of the area disowns…

Anyway peeps I’m off out to see what’s happen in merry old Paris…

Laters all…


Anonymous said...

Great stuff Gareth. Can’t wait for the next instalment

That Rigby Bloke said...

Day 1..Good start mate 👍
Beer/drink/food update later !!

Anonymous said...

Yeah you made it 🥳

Anonymous said...

So pleased you captured ‘entente cordiale’ day 1 Gareth! Enjoyed reading thanks! Have fun x

Anonymous said...

Keep these coming big man!

Martin Togher said...

Very jealous , enjoy the adventure!

Davros said...

Well done, Gareth...

Anonymous said...

Loved it!!